Chapter 14

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My eyes open, and I stare up at the wooden crossbeams of Wes' bedroom. I sit up in the bed.

What an unexpected turn of events...

I stretch my body and peer over the edge of the bed to see Wes sleeping peacefully on the fur rug on in front of his fireplace. We may have no chemistry, but I'm growing fond of him, as one likes a friend. I think Wes believes someday we'll see ourselves as more than friends. I'm doubtful. You can't force compatibility.

Wes' blue eyes open and he turns to look at me. He groans as he stretches.

"Is your back okay after sleeping on the floor?" I ask him.

"Yeah," Wes says. "It's okay. How about you? Did you sleep well?"

"I think so," I say. "I only woke up once, which is pretty good for me recently."

Wes chuckles. "Maybe your body was telling you that the truth was the best thing for you."

"Probably," I laugh with him. "So, I guess you 'claimed' me then."

"I guess so," Wes says, he rolls onto his stomach. He grins at me boyishly. "So was I good?"

"You were so good," I say with a giggle. I'm glad he's letting me laugh about our situation. It feels good to laugh about something.

"Someday I want to show you a good time," Wes says, waggling his eyebrows, "I wish I could right now even. You're so adorable with your hair all messed up. I'm angry the Dark Lord gave you such a terrible first experience."

Well, about that...

"Maybe someday," I answer him, my laughter gone, a sigh escapes me.

"How can we defeat him?" Wes asks me. "Do you have any idea?"

"I don't know if it's possible, according to ancient texts my abilities came from him," I say.

"Really? Probably why he wants you," Wes mutters. "He can't have you, I have an army that will make sure of it."

"I think war is exactly what he wants," I tell Wes. "It makes him powerful."

"How so?" Wes cocks his head.

"His power comes from chaos, disorder," I state. "It's why I chose to marry you, because I didn't want there to be any doubt in my mind that our two countries would go to war."

Wes sighs. "That explains why you didn't take my offer of peace without a marriage."

"Yes, I'm sorry," I say, furrowing my brow sympathetically at Wes. "I am such a horrible person."

"No, you're not," Wes says. "You're a good person, Kyla, you're doing this because you wish good for those around you."

"Thanks, Wes," I say gratefully. I get up, bend down, and kiss his cheek. "You're turning out to be full of surprises."

"As are you," Wes says with a grin. "You should go back to your room and get ready for the party we're having in honor of our engagement. I can't wait to introduce you to my friends."

"Of course," I say.

Wes presses his call button and Ames shows up in a matter of minutes.

"Your majesty?" Ames asks.

"Please take Princess Kyla back to her room," Wes tell him.

"Yes, your majesty," Ames says, nodding his head. "Please follow me, Princess."

My cheeks flush. It's embarrassing what Ames thinks we were doing. What I almost did in the name of peace. I shudder.

Ames takes me back to my room and leaves me alone. I don't bother calling for a maidservant.

I dress by myself. I decide from now on, I may be hopeless, but I'm not helpless.


The party has already started, but I'm not keen on showing up at the first second. I've spent most of the day sketching and emptying my stomach after trying to eat a lunch.

Pregnancy is brutal.

"What am I going to do?" I mutter to myself as I finish a sketch of a mytonir.

There is a knock on my door and I get up from my seat, and place the sketch book down.

"Hello?" I ask.

"I was told to show you to the party," A male voice says. "I was sent by the Prince."


It's not Wes, or Ames.

"Give me a minute," I say.

I go to the water basin and wash my hands from charcoal dust, then I tie my hair up in a ponytail and make sure it's smoothed so I'm presentable for the party.

I walk to the door and open it.

"You--you look beautiful," the man waiting to bring me down to the party says.

"Well, thank you. I don't remember being introduced, who are you?" I ask, but my eyes widen when they rest upon his face.

"Ready to join everyone, Princess?" He asks with an extended hand.

"Get away from me!" I scream and slam the door, leaning against it, my eyes have gone red, my bone are cracking, and my skin shivers with change.

Arlite, the Dark Lord is here in Erlund.

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