Tape 3

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You were my second crush and my first and last boyfriend. Welcome to your tape, Jed Elliot

Tears were streaming down my face as I faced her in the casket. I can't believe this happened. I never thought it would come to this. 

She was my everything, and now it's all gone.

I remember everything that happened that day, just like it was yesterday.


"Hey, babe, you excited school is almost out?" I asked Jade.

"Yes! I can't wait to get out of this hell hole." She said back to me, I chuckled.

Soon the bell rings to go to the fifth period.

"Ah gotta go, babe, fifth period ugh, I'll see you later?"

"Yep, bye." She said giving me a quick hug and started walking in the opposite direction.

I never thought that would be the last time I talked to her...

*Present Time*

I wish I would've made plans with her that evening because it wouldn't have happened.

I just want my doll back.

"Hey Jed, someone left this on the front porch for you." My mom said opening my door.

"God mom don't you ever knock?" I asked her, being startled a bit.

She sighed "sorry. I won't get upset, because you just had an attitude with me, because of Jade. I know it's tough right now, but things WILL get better just give it time." She said to me.

"Thanks, mom you always know what to say. And you can just leave the package on my bed and I'll look at it later."

"Ok, sweetie dinner is almost ready." My mom said as she walked out the door.

I glanced over at the box and frowned.

It was wrapped up in brown wrapping paper and it had my name on it, Jed Elliot.

I opened the package and I saw 14 tapes, a tape player, and beat headphones.


Hey, it's Jade, Jade Thirlwall.
That's right. It's me, live, and in stereo. Get a snack. Settle in. Because I'm about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically, why my life ended. And if you're listening to this tape you're one of the reasons why. I'm not saying which tape brings you into the story. If you received this lovely little box, your name will pop up. I promise.

I can't believe it's Jade, but what did I do that made her do it?

I listened to the first two tapes which were Perrie Edwards and Kylie Jenner's. I never preferably liked Kylie but hearing what she did to Jade makes me not like her even more. Why didn't Jade tell me what happened? Why didn't I head about it from others? I could've possibly helped Jade and this might've not happened.

You were my second crush and my first and last boyfriend. Welcome to your tape Jed Elliot

My heart dropped, I'm on the third tape.
But how?

You don't deserve to be on this tape Jed, but I have a reason why. No, you didn't do anything to hurt me.

"Then why the heck am I on it?" I asked like she could hear me.

Then the unthinkable happened, my pencil was lifted up in the air and started moving on a piece of paper. It read "keep listening and find out -Jade xx

Holy shit, this isn't fake. Is that actually Jade? I'm freaking out. I breathed slowly should I ask a question to make sure it is Jade?

"W-wa-was that you J-Jade? What's your birthday?" I asked looking around to see if anything is going to happen.

"December 26, 1992." She replied back.

It is her, it is actually her.

"I miss you," I said letting the tears fall.

"I miss us." She said back to me.

I smiled and finished listening to my tape.

We started dating on January first. I loved you, I really did, but I loved you enough to let you go. I'm sure you're in pain but it will get better, and one day we can be together again. I wish I could've told you what was going on in my life, but I didn't want you to worry about me. I'm sorry I made you upset, about me doing this, but, I couldn't help it. I felt like it was my time to go. And May 12th of 2017 was my time to go. It just felt right. Like I said you did nothing to hurt me, but I loved you too much so I had to let you go before I got hurt or before I hurt you. Bye Jed Elliot, I'll definitely miss you. Maybe I'll talk to you soon. Maybe I'll give you a sign that I'm here right by your side. Xoxo love Jade Thirlwall.

I can't believe it. I wasn't going to hurt her, I can't believe she thought I would or she would hurt me. This is just all way too much for me.

I just want to die, but I know that isn't the right choice, I'll just fight through it...hopefully.

A/N: Yay so that whole thing with Jade communicating with Jed in the afterlife was just a little something extra. I knew this chapter would be short so to make it a little longer I added that in it. Sorry if it isn't as good as the other chapters.

I got that idea from reading a 'Brendon Urie One-shots' book.

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