17: Morgan's Birthday

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I'm wrapping Morgan's birthday present and Hazel's doodling on a piece of paper next to me at the dining table.

"You were serious?" Daniel asks, walking in with mock surprise on his face.

I smirk at him. "Daniel, we're going."





"Fine!" He groans sitting down across from us at the table.

"What are you drawing?" He asks Hazel, leaning forward to see.

She picks up the paper, jumps down from her chair and runs around the table to her father who sets her on his lap.

"This is me and these are pigeons." She points them out, reminding me of Paris.

"That's so pretty." Daniel kisses her cheek as she glows with pride.

"Done." I say, setting down the scissors and tape I'm holding. "Aright. Come on, Bunny. Let's go get ready."

She runs to her room and after forcing Daniel to go get ready as well, I go help her.

"What do you want to wear?" I ask her.

"That frock!" She calls from the closet.

I help her get dressed in a skin frock with a black sweater before braiding a section of her hair and pinning it like a headband.

"Go give Vanessa her lunch." I tell her while I get ready.

Daniel's in the bathroom, so I go into the closet and close the door after me. When I come back out, Daniel and Hazel are waiting for me downstairs.

There is little traffic so the drive from Pasadena to Long Beach, where Daniel's family house is takes only an hour.

After college, Daniel chose to start fresh with his life. On the other hand, his three years older brother, David volunteered to look after their father's business once he retired.

The familiar driveway lies ahead of us with tall trees lining it on either side. We go around a fountain and Daniel stops the car right in front of the main entrance. I step out of the car and wake Hazel who is asleep in her car seat.

Wide awake, she takes the wrapped Lego box from me while I straighten her frock and hair, then take her hand and lead her into the house.

The same large family portrait looks down at me from its place on the entrance hall. Daniel's parents sit on two arm chairs with David, Elana, Daniel and I behind them, Morgan and Hazel in the arms of their fathers. I'm looking at the picture when I hear someone behind me.

"Good afternoon, Miss Emma." A female helper greets us and points us in the direction of the back garden.

The sound of chatter and children screaming reaches us as the party comes into sight. Blue balloons are everywhere. Elana sees us and walks over with Morgan in tow.

"Hi guys!" She greets us as she embraces me.

"Happy birthday Morgan!" I wish my nephew as Hazel does the same and hands him his gift.

"Come meet my friends." He says, tugging on Hazel's arm and they run off together towards the other children.

"The adults are over there." She points towards the chairs where the grown-ups are lounging, including my mother-in-law.

"Hello Emma!" She greets me as I walk to her.

"Hello. How are you?" I ask, sitting next to her.

"Very well." She beams at me as Daniel comes to stand next to my chair.

"Where's dad?" He asks.

"He'll be out in a minute."

"Daniel!" A voice calls out and I feel my husband stiffen next to me.

"David." He says, as his brother thumps him on his back.

"How's my baby brother?" He asks.

"Good." Daniel replies, sitting down on a chair across from me.

"I'm going to go check if Elana needs any help." David says, walking away.

One of Daniel's mother's friends walks over, so I go sit next to Daniel.

"I'm trying." He smiles at me before I can even open my mouth making me smile too.

"Emma! Come help me!" Elana calls out from across the garden.

I get up and kiss Daniel's cheek before walking over to the table where Elana is setting up the cake and some distance away the chefs and helpers of the household are setting out lunch.

"Can you please put up all these candles and then light them while I gather the children?" She asks.

"Of course." I reply, getting to work.

I finish lighting the candles and then Morgan takes his place behind the cake, ready to cut it.

"Daddy I can't see!" Hazel complains.

He hoists her onto his shoulders, making her giggle but she enjoys it all the same. As everyone starts to sing Happy Birthday, I sneakily take a picture of Hazel and Daniel, smiling at them as I do so.

Everyone claps and then lunch is announced.

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