38: Taken

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Before I continue with the story, I want to take a minute and thank my mother for being the most inspirational woman I've ever known. I may have certain other role models but my mother is someone who I look up to for the most realistic of matters. Thank you mommy ❤️

And also, happy mother's day to Emma! This chapter won't be kind on her but it's mother's day and she's one of the most amazing mothers I have created ❤️


"From Alan and co." Hamish elaborates but I don't need the details because I'm already scanning the area looking for a familiar face but I find none.

I take a deep breath then ask. "What do you want?"

"Tell your husband to stop." He simply says making me more confused.

"Stop with what?" I ask.

"The Paris plans." I'm not really sure where this conversation is headed.

"The Paris plans?" I ask to make sure I heard correctly.

He sighs and crosses his arms. "We know Daniel's motives. We expanded to Paris a few years ago but French clients have been turning to Aaron Limited this whole time since they're the market leaders. Aaron Limited is expanding to Paris solely to drive us out of competition. And we don't want that."

"But isn't that what business is all about? Competition and taking chances?" The words slip out before I can stop myself.

"Indeed. But we don't want that. No one with a running business would want to shut down, right?" He explains.

"There's two of Daniel's lawyer. I'd be happy to introduce you to them." I tell him, pointing out the men at a table near us.

He clucks his tongue. "Now, that would get messy since it goes against our business objectives."

"Can you stop beating around the bush and tell me why we're having this discussion?" I am starting to get angry.

"Stop your husband from announcing the plan tonight and then we can negotiate the rest, later." He smiles at me.

"As if I'm going to do that." I roll my eyes and start to turn away but he stops me. "You might not want to walk away just yet."

"What now?" I ask, frustrated.

"Call your housekeeper." He says.

"My what?" I ask, confused.

"Your housekeeper, helper, whatever, just call her." He waves his hands in the air.

"Why?" I ask, starting to feel a bit sick.

"You might want to." With this he walks away.

I frantically open my clutch and pull out my phone then dial our home landline with shaking fingers. I press call and hold the phone to my ear.

A voice message starts playing that makes my hair stand on end and my whole body starts to shake, it's Hazel's voice.

Hey mommy!

Annie is taking me to the toy shop!

I gasp and clutch my stomach, breathing heavily through my mouth as a few tears spill down my cheeks. I dial the helper, Annie's personal number next. She picks up on the second ring.

"Hello Emma." She says sounding nothing like she usually does around me at home.

"Where's Hazel?" I ask, my breathing starting to get labored.

"Asleep. Just like you asked me to." She tells me.

"What is going on, Annie?" I scream through gritted teeth so that I don't draw attention.

"Get your husband to stop the plan and you'll see Hazel again." With this she ends the call and I'm left staring at my phone.

"Can I please have everyone seated? Thank you." A voice says over the speakers and everyone shuffles towards their seats.

I look around, frantic to find Daniel but he's nowhere in sight. I spot Jeremy instead at the table where I'm supposed to be. I hurry towards him and plop down next to him.

"Where's Daniel?" I ask.

"Discussing some last minute things with the directors." He says but when he gets a good look at me, he adds. "Is everything alright?"

"Jeremy, where's Daniel?!" I scream at him.

"He said he'll be here in five minutes." He tells me.

"Tell me where he is!" I glare at him unable to keep myself calm.

The guests begin to clap and I look towards the entrance to see the twelve directors making their way in which means that Daniel must not be far behind. Breaking protocol, I walk around the edge of the room to avoid drawing attention then hurry out of the room.

Daniel is right outside talking to a man. "Who invited Hamish Hamlet?"

"I don't know, sir. He wasn't on any of the lists. I'll look into this immediately." The man says.

"Fine." Daniel tells him but stops when he sees me. "Emma?"

I'm relieved to see him but my body still aches with worry about Hazel.

"I need to talk to you. Alone." I say. He reads my face which I try to keep composed. He turns to the man and tells him to start with the year's report. The minute the man leaves, he turns to face me and I break down, sinking to the floor.

"Emma?" He asks, worried. "What's wrong?"

"Ha...Hazel." I gasp through the tears.

"What's wrong with Hazel?" He asks.

"They took her!" I scream.

"Emma, please stop crying and talk to me. You're making no sense." He helps me stand up and slides an arm around my shoulders. I sob into his shirt till I gain control over myself.

"Hamish Hamlet is here. He told me to stop you from disclosing the Paris plan and then he asked me to call the helper, Annie and she took Hazel. She's working for Alan and co. Hazel in return for the plans."


What do you all think?

I'm not getting enough comments for this story, pleaseee comment below and tell me what you think! PLEASE! I see the reads increase everyday but no comments or feedback, please share your thoughts with me!!


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