56: Hazel's School

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We got back from Maui last night and Hazel insisted that she wanted to attend her swim class. I was too tired to drive her so I asked one of the drivers to do so. Hazel is in her car seat next to me, scrolling through pictures of the trip on my phone when it starts to ring.

She hands it back to me and I see that it's an unknown number. My heart sinks since the last time I got a call from such a number, it turned out to be Hamish Hamlet and drama that followed. I brave it and answer the phone.

"Hello. Is this Emma Aaron's number?" A female voice at the other end asks.

"Yes." I reply.

"I'm a representative of Rushmore Academy. If my records state correctly, your daughter, Hazel Aaron is listed as a potential student to attend pre-school with us this fall." The lady says.

"That is correct." I respond.

"Well, I'm pleased to inform you that she has been provided a place at our prestigious institution. We are holding an open day the coming Monday and will be very pleased to have you join us for an orientation." She says.

"Thank you." I say, my heart hammering at the wonderful news.

I say goodbye and end the call before looking at Hazel who is looking out the window. I decide to keep the news to myself and break it to her and Daniel together over dinner.

We arrive at the country club and once Hazel is in the pool with Amelia instructing her, I find a seat in the shade and settle in for the two hours that Hazel has her class. With nothing else to do my mind wanders back to the conversation I had with Daniel in Maui.

I've been thinking about it on and off ever since. I understand his concerns about my health but I know what my heart wants. I sigh and lean back into my chair so lost in thought that I don't realize someone is standing right by me.


"Mia. Hi!" I smile at her as she takes a seat next to me.

"Accompanying Ben?" I ask.

"Yes." She points towards him in the pool.

We fall silent for a moment before she picks up conversation again, "I'd been meaning to call you but then I thought I'd see you in person today anyways."

"Is there something you wanted to talk about?" I ask, confused.

"To thank you, of course! Hamish's parole has been cancelled. For now at least. And I'm sure that was your doing. I can't thank you enough. It means Ben's safety and mine." She sounds relieved.

"There's nothing to thank me for. He's a bad man and must face the consequences of his actions. It's just the law of nature." I remind her.

"Thank you, nonetheless. Without your support, he would be out and about again." She smiles at me.

"It's all in the past." I smile back and then turn to watch the children as Amelia calls them all to one end of the pool for a race. Hazel wins and Ben comes second. Mia and I clap for them as they climb out.

When the class comes to an end, I help Hazel shower and change into a pair of comfortable black trousers and a white t-shirt before heading home.

Daniel arrives home just as the chefs start setting the table for dinner.

"I'm going to quickly change before eating." He says, kissing my forehead and heading upstairs to our bedroom.

Hazel and I are seated at the table when Daniel returns in a similar outfit to Hazel's, black trousers and a white t-shirt.

"We're matching!" Hazel exclaims, clasping her hands together.

"We are, indeed." Daniel laughs at her excitement and kisses her head.

"How was your day?" He asks me, once we've all helped ourselves to the food.

"Nothing too exciting for me. But I actually have some news about Hazel." I give her a pointed look as she looks up from her plate, startled.

"About me?" She asks.

"Mhmm." I nod.

"What is it?" She asks, clearly excited to know.

"I will only tell you if you promise to finish your food after." I look at her.

"I promise!" I nods, vigorously.

"I got a call from Rushmore Academy and Hazel has been offered a place." I break the news.

"Really?" Daniel looks at me and then turns to Hazel, "Congratulations, Hazel!"

"My school?" Hazel asks, an excited glint in her eyes.

"Yes. Your school. Are you happy?" I ask her.

"Yes!" She tells me and I laugh at her excitement.

"You liked their swimming pool, didn't you?" Daniel asks her, reminding me of how much she enjoyed the visit especially their pool.

"It was nice." She replies through her bite of rice.

"No talking with food in your mouth Hazel!" I reprimand her.

"Can I swim there?" She asks, once she's swallowed the bite.

I nod, "Once you start going to school there."

That is all the confirmation she needs to fall in love with a school that she is yet to start attending.

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