77: Emma Steps In

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Martha has agreed to stay with us and be on hospital duty until Jeremy and I work out a routine to be with Daniel at the hospital. Mia volunteered to pick up Hazel when I asked her if she'd have time today.

"Be a good girl and thank Ben's mom when she drops you off at school, okay?" I tell Hazel as I help her put her backpack on and lead her to the driveway just as Mia arrives.

"Hi Hazel! Come on in!" Mia smiles at her through the rolled down car window.

"Thank you so much for driving her." I tell Mia as Hazel climbs into the backseat where Ben is waiting for her.

"Don't mention it!" Mia smiles at me before saying goodbye and driving off. A black car with guards follow her. Mia thinks that the added security is due to my paranoia that has followed since Hazel's kidnapping. Little does she know that our enemies haven't backed down entirely.

I instruct the butler to have a car brought to the front while I hurry back inside to fetch my laptop and purse.

Jeremy meets me in the office lobby.

"Ready for your first day as boss?" He asks, leading me to the elevators.

"I hope." I mutter to myself but he hears me and reassures me, "You'll be great."

Jeremy walks me to Daniel's office and when I start towards the seats for visitors he stops me and tells me that I need to appear completely in charge, hence, I have to use Daniel's office as if it was my own.

Sighing, I shakily roll back the chair, set my laptop down and then take my seat. Jeremy leaves me to fetch some files from his office.

In the silence that follows hundreds of memories come crashing back to me. The inauguration of this office building, the parties that followed, waiting for Daniel's endless meetings to finish, picking up Daniel for dates, office dates, Hazel's first time here and so many more follow.

"Doing okay?" Jeremy's voice startles me, making me realize that I have tears in my eyes and a few on my cheeks.

I hastily nod and wipe them away.

"Okay, to be honest, there's a lot to do today but we have the entire day. It's only eight thirty so we'll take things one step at a time. Alright?" He suggests.

I nod gratefully, "Okay."

"Good. First things first. I have called a meeting with managers from various levels, junior and senior. They are most probably beginning to gather this moment. The purpose of the meeting is for them to meet you, officially as their head and so that they know that the Aarons have not withdrawn from the running of the company."

"What do you need me to do?" I ask him.

He slides a printout towards me, "You are to make a little speech. We will not distort facts that are already public knowledge, such as, Daniel's illness. But I have dubbed down its extent. Just go over this once and you're good to go."

I nod suddenly nervous. It's been a good number of years since I've had to address a large number of subordinates in a formal setting.

Jeremy leaves to make sure the meeting is ready to begin while I take ten minutes to go over the points that Jeremy has put down for me then take another five minutes to compose myself before heading to a lower level where Jeremy instructed me to meet him.

"Ready?" Jeremy asks when he sees me walk out of the elevator.

"Let's go." I nod as he holds open the door to the auditorium for me.

I always knew that Daniel had hundreds of people working for him but never realized just how many until now. My eyes and brain take in the auditorium which is filled to the brim and these aren't even all the people who work for the company, just the most important ones.

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