58: First Day Of School

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A month flies by and before I realize it, it is Hazel's first day of school. Due to my habit of waking her up early she does not protest when I wake her up at 7 o'clock. Once she's dressed in her school's uniform, a white blouse and a navy blue skirt with her hair neatly pinned back, I lead her downstairs where I instructed the chefs to get chocolate cake from Hazel's favorite bakery in the city, last night.

The delight on her face is evident as she spots the cake on the dining table and rushes over to her chair. I cut her a slice and she's started to gobble it down when Daniel walks in, dressed in a suit all ready for office but I know that he'll drive to Hazel's school with me.

"Good morning!" He smiles at Hazel and kisses her head before taking his seat. "How are you this fine morning?"

She laughs at this but plays along, "I am well, sir."

I laugh with them but then turn serious, "Hazel you have to have a glass of milk with your breakfast. It's going to be a long day."

"No!" She starts to protest but I cut in, "I've packed you cake for lunch and an apple juice box."

She sighs, "Okay."

By the time she finishes her cake and drinks her milk, Daniel and I are also done having breakfast. The driver has already brought the car around to the front. I start to follow Daniel and Hazel out of the house when I stop them.

"Wait! We have to take pictures!"

I can tell Hazel's excited at the idea and there's no way I'm letting such a special day pass by without memories stored to look back at in years to come.

I have Hazel wear her schoolbag and stand in front of the house's front door as I take her picture. Then Daniel and I have one taken with her that one of the helpers takes.

In the car as we're driving to Hazel's school, I suddenly feel a wave of various emotions roll over me. Tears prickle my eyes as I think about the importance of the day. Hazel's first day of school. She'll be at it for the rest of her life now, middle school, high school, then college and she'll keep moving on, with less time to spend with us, progressively.

I can't help myself and I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I discreetly wipe it away before Daniel or Hazel can see it.

When we finally arrive at Rushmore Academy, my own heart is hammering so I have no clue how Hazel is actually feeling. Parents usually drop students off at the drop off lane but we decide to park the car and walk her in ourselves.

I help Hazel put on her backpack and then take her hand with Daniel following us as we walk her to the gates. I can see plenty of other parents with children Hazel's age, walking them to the gate as well. I stop some distance away and kneel down in front of Hazel, tugging gently on her arm to get her attention.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

She just shakes her head and then bursts into tears.

"Oh Bunny!" I sigh and pull her into a hug. I hold onto her tightly, letting her know of my presence.

When I pull away she's stopped crying. I gently wipe away the tears and kiss her cheek before smiling at her, "You're a very brave girl. Remember that you'll meet your swimming teacher today?"

She takes a deep breath and nods so I continue, "Tell her all about your classes and contests, okay? She's going to be amazed at what a marvelous swimmer you are."

This brings a small smile to Hazel's face, so I add, "Also, Ben will be there in class. You two can play together during lunch break. Won't that be nice?"

"Yes." She finally replies and a full smile emerges across her face. My entire body sags in relief, happy to finally ease her tension.

I stand up and my place is taken by Daniel. He holds out his arms to her and she happily hugs him as he kisses her forehead and says, "We love you, Bunny."

I ask them to stay as they are and take a picture of them. Then I have one taken with Hazel and finally one of her alone, in front of the school gates.

We wave at her as she walks away into the school. I look around to find several children screaming and crying, refusing to leave their parents. At least, Hazel was brave enough not to throw a tantrum. I feel Daniel take my hand as we walk back to the parked car.

We both get in and he starts to drive.

"Hazel's growing up so fast." He says out loud.

I smile at this, "I know."

"Emma." He says my name to get my attention and I give it to him as he takes my hand in one of his and keeps the other firmly on the steering wheel.

"I know that you're scared to let her go but this is going to happy eventually and it's just the beginning. We still have so much to go through with her."

I don't realize that I'm crying until a tear reaches my chin and I reach up to wipe it away but Daniel's faster as we're stopped at a traffic signal. He wipes away my tears and then presses a kiss to my cheek.

"We are yet to start dealing with boyfriends."

I outright burst into laughter at this and he joins in just as the signal turns green and we start to move again.

I take a deep breath to steady myself, "You're right. There's still so much more yet to happen. Her first day of school has me in this state, I can't even imagine what it'll be like in years to come."

"Whatever it will be, we'll get through it together. Okay?" He sneaks a glance at me.

"Okay." I smile back at him and kiss his cheek as he parks the car outside the spa I have an appointment at.

Filler chapter!


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