99: Tess's Wedding

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The day is bright and sunny, the perfect Swiss weather. On days like these, Tess and I used to play in the field at the back or go for bike rides together. As we grew older, we would head into the heart of the city and have brunch at our favorite café near the river front. Where those days were slow and lazy, today is a busy day because it's wedding day.

The extended Kensinger family, from all over Europe is back in Bern for the wedding and thankfully they all stay in their houses and hotels. The bungalow despite its size feels overcrowded on the day of the wedding. With Daniel, me, mom, dad, Hazel, Sebastian, Tess and her five friends in the house, it's alive with activity,

We all have a late breakfast and Tess is the first one to head to her room as soon as her stylist arrives to start getting ready for her big day. Her bride's maids too soon trickle out of the dining room to help her and themselves get ready.

While mom and dad have always stayed away from hiring help for the house, they handed over the responsibility of food for today to a catering company. So we all leave the dining room so that the servers can clear the dining room and kitchen.

Mom and dad head to their bedroom to get dressed too.

"I think I'm going to change because I have to video call Jeremy about some things." Daniel says as the four of us climb the stairs to the two bedrooms that we're occupying. Daniel and I are using a guest bedroom and Hazel took over my old room since it only had a single bed.

"I'll dress Sebastian and then you two can use Hazel's room while we get ready." I suggest and Daniel agrees. So while he showers and changes in the bathroom, I get hold of Sebastian and change him out of his night suit into a little black tuxedo. It's a white t-shirt with a black jacket and pants and then little white canvas shoes.

He's about to wriggle out of his jacket when Daniel emerges from the bathroom, dressed in a black tuxedo too.

For a moment I'm stunned at the reminder of how dashing Daniel looks in a Tuxedo. Daniel winks at me, making me blush and I turn back to the wriggling Sebastian.

"Seb! Look at daddy!" I tell my son who at the word "daddy" turns his head to look at Daniel.

Daniel takes him from me and calms him down before they leave for Hazel's room and Hazel joins me soon after.

"Seb looks so cute!" She squeals, making me laugh

"You'll look beautiful in your dress." I smile and kiss her cheek.

We both showered when we woke up this morning so our hair is dry by now. We agree that we should start with our hair. Hazel decides on tight curls around the tips of her hair and then I'll pin them back. Once I finish, I grab the white flower clips I got her in Pasadena and snap them in place, over the black bobby pins as Tess had insisted that the bride's maids and flower girls wear white flowers in their hair.

I let Hazel sit on the bed and take a break while I quickly curl my own hair which I have mastered over the years and decide to let it hang around my shoulders. Then I do my make up before instructing Hazel to put on her dress. She puts it on and I button up her back. She looks stunning!

I ask her if wants any make up on and we decide on light pink blush to give color to her cheeks and a nice neutral shade of gloss for her lips.

I let Hazel put on her matching pink shoes while I go into the bathroom to put on my own dress. Luckily, the dress that I picked out for myself was also a light shade of pink. So I match with Hazel.

I sit down on the vanity stool in the bathroom and put on my heels before stepping back into the room.

"Wow!" Hazel's mouth hangs open as she looks at me.

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