37: Annual Dinner

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"Ma'am, Zenna Hodge is here to see you." The helper announces from the living room doorway.

"Please show her in." I tell her as I set the sleeping Hazel on the sofa beside me and get up to meet her.

"Hi! Thank you so much for making time for this." I thank her.

"The pleasure is all mine. I couldn't believe that you of all people wanted me to do your hair and makeup." She squeals.

I laugh at her excitement. "Would you like something to drink? Tea? Coffee?"

"Oh no! I'm good. I'll let you know if I need anything." She says.

"Should we get started then? I have to leave in two hours?" I ask.

"That's ample time." Zenna tells me and asks where she should set up her work station. I show her to my vanity room and then come back downstairs to talk to the helper.

"I'll leave by 7 o'clock, so wake Hazel after that and make sure she eats some dinner. She knows that I won't be home so she'll go to bed by eight thirty. But please stay around in case she needs something. Okay?"

"Of course, ma'am." She nods.

"Alright. I'm going to get ready."

When I get back, Zenna has everything set up, her make up palettes and various tubes line the wooden table in front of the wall mirror.

"I want to use my own make-up brushes, will that be okay?" I ask her.

"That's fine as long as you have all the ones I'll be needing." I show her the drawer with my brushes and she finds all the ones that she needs.

We get to work and she starts with my hair that she loosely curls. Make-up comes next for which I decide to go natural. Everything turns out exactly the way I wanted it to. An hour and a half later we're all done.

"Wow! This is amazing." I complement, turning around to look the back of my hair in the mirror.

"Do you like it?" Zenna asks, raising her eyebrows.

"I love it. Thank you!" I smile at her.

"You're welcome." She smiles back at me. "Why don't you go get changed? I'll pack up my things and then in case you need anything retouched, we can do that."

"Okay." I nod and head for my bedroom.

The dress I bought for tonight is in the walk-through closet. Once I've changed into it (picture of the dress is above!), I put on my heels and grab my clutch from the bed and twirl in front of the floor length mirror to get a good look from all angles and I must admit I feel beautiful.

Zenna is waiting for me in the living area.

"You look gorgeous!" She exclaims.

"Thank you so much for this." I say as I give her a hug.

"I'm really glad you like it. I've had clients who can be really mean. You're too nice."

"I look really good. Thank you." I assure her.

"You're very welcome. Do you need anything retouched?" She asks.

I shake my head. "I think I'm good."

"Cool! I should get going then." She says.

"Well, thank you for coming again!" I thank her again as a helper shows her out.

I check the time on my phone and it's almost seven which means I should get going. I'm at the front door when Hazel's voice behind me makes me turn around.

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