91: Sebastian's Home

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I put sleeping Sebastian in his carrier seat and then head to the hospital room's washroom to change into a clean shirt and soft linen pants.

When I walk back into the room Daniel is back from his trip to the front desk to make payments and complete the documentation.

"Ready to leave?" He asks.

I nod, "More than I ever will be."

Daniel grabs Sebastian's carrier and I follow him to the entrance where a driver has already brought the car to the doors. And I can see for a good reason. The media is camped outside. The minute they see us they go wild screaming our names. I bite my tongue and glance towards Sebastian but thankfully he's still fast asleep.

The driver holds open the door for me as Daniel swiftly lifts Sebastian's carrier onto the backseat and buckles it in.

Once Daniel is safely behind the steering wheel and we're driving home, I ask, "Who told the press?"

"Apparently some reporter was at the hospital the night Sebastian was born and saw me visit the nursery." Daniel sighs, leaning his head against the headrest.

"Remember when Hazel was born?" I smile at the memory of the cameramen making their way into the lobby and situation getting so out of  control that the Police was informed and we were delayed several hours before we could head home.

"We might as well have been royalty." I sigh.

"Hey! We are corporate royalty." Daniel winks and me and I laugh as he reminds me, "Heir to the Aaron Limited empire is born!"

"That was quite the melodramatic headline." I recall.

"But it's also fitting since she's our little princess." Daniel says making me smile.

"I can't wait to finally spend time with her." I sigh and lean back in my seat.

The three days that I was at the hospital, Hazel came over to visit right after school but then she would return home by lunch time.

Daniel pulls the car up the driveway and stops outside the front door. I open my car door and start to grab Sebastian but Daniel beats me to it, "No carrying weights remember."

"Such a gentleman." I kiss his cheek.

I push open the door and walk in. I find the household help gathered in the foyer clearly awaiting our arrival.

"Oh Ma'am! We apologize for being here, neglecting our duties but we just had to see little Sebastian!" A helper tells me.

"Of course! Daniel's right behind me." I laugh and accept her hug.

'Oohs' and 'Awws' fill the air when Daniel steps into the foyer.

"He's wonderful." One of the chefs tells us and once we've thanked them for their support during my pregnancy and for looking after Hazel they disperse to complete their tasks.

"Hazel!" I call out as I head for the living room.

Instead of Hazel someone else waits for us there.

"Tess!" I scream as my sister walks over and envelopes me in a tight hug, "What are you doing here?"

"Let me meet my nephew first!" She says walking over to Sebastian and lifts him into her arms.

"Mommy!" Hazel screams running into the room, "You're home!"

I sit on a chair so that I can hug her.

"Were you a good girl while I was at the hospital?" I ask her and she nods her head against my shoulder refusing to let go.

Tess hands me Sebastian and then sits down in a chair across from me.

"When did you get here?" I ask her.

"She's been here since the day of your operation." Daniel replies for her.

"What?!" I exclaim, "Why did no one tell me?"

"It's called a surprise." Tess shakes her head at me.

"How did you get a flight from Toulouse so quickly?" I ask her.

"I wasn't in Toulouse." She sheepishly says.

"What do you mean?" I frown.

"My internship at New York Fashion Week turned into a full fledged job and I have been studying at Sarah Lawrence for the last semester. I'll return to France next week to sit my final exams before graduation." She explains.

"You've been in America this whole time?!" I exclaim.

She nods, "I didn't tell you because I knew that you'd insist on visiting and you shouldn't travel in your pregnancy unless absolutely necessary."

"Fine. You win this round." I smirk at her and get up to feed Sebastian.

When I return, Hazel and Tess are in the living room playing with Vanessa and I spot Daniel sitting on the patio outside, working. I head out to join him.

"We're going out." He says, looking up from his laptop.


"It's almost time for dinner and you were just telling me that you've been craving sushi. We're going out. Just you and me." He says, shutting the laptop and standing up.

"But Seb-" I start to protest but he cuts in, "He's fed and asleep. Plus, Tess is here in case he wakes up."

I kiss his cheek, "Okay. Give me twenty minutes to get ready."

"Casual! It's just sushi!" Daniel calls after me and I laugh as I walk back into the house.

While I was the hospital, Tess moved most of my essentials and some of my wardrobe into the guest bedroom on the ground floor so that I would avoid the stairs until I had healed enough to handle them.

I swap my t-shirt for a blue button down and then pull my hair into a ponytail. When I meet Daniel in the foyer, he has changed clothes too and is ready to go.

Daniel's favorite black Audi waits for us. He opens the car door for me and I get in then buckle my seat belt. After thirty minutes we're seated at a somewhat empty sushi bar and we place our order of three different types of sushi.

We sit there for hours as people come and go, sharing the sushi as Daniel catches me up on everything that I missed in the last few days. We laugh over Daniel's messed up presentation that Hazel decided to experiment on when she saw it open on his laptop. We coo over the pictures from the hospital on our phones, especially the one of Hazel and Sebastian from the day she met him.

When we finally leave at 11 p.m. we both have full stomachs and light hearts from the wonderful night.

Next chapter is up too! :)


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