34: Night Talk

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My doctor said that I will be discharged from the hospital at 8 o'clock tonight which is an hour away. I have minor scratches on my arms and stomach from the seat belt and some infrequent headaches but otherwise I'm healthy enough to go home and have food. I decided that I wanted to have some Chinese before heading home so Daniel left to get Hazel who I haven't seen for two days.

I take a shower and change into a pair of clean leggings and a t-shirt as I wait for the two to come get me. About five minutes later, Daniel walks into the room holding Hazel's hand who squeaks when she sees me and runs to me.

"Mommy!" She screams, hurtling herself into my arms and I lift her up.

"Hey Bunny." I sigh, kissing her head as she hugs me.

"I'll go fill out the paper work. Why don't you two join me in the lobby in about ten minutes?" Daniel offers us time together.

"Okay." I nod as he walks out of the room.

Hazel fills me in on the last two days. I ask her about her playdate which was yesterday and she tells me about the swimming class they had and how she was the best off all the children her age.

I glance at the clock which shows that about eight minutes have passed. I grab the bag pack with my toiletries and clothes from the chair and then leave the room to join Daniel in the lobby as he asked me to.

He's waiting for us, holding my medical file. He takes the bag from me and slings it over his shoulder, then he takes my hand and leads me to the car. While he buckles Hazel into her car seat, I take in the parking lot and the night of the accident comes rushing back to me. The sound of a door slamming shut cuts through my reverie.

We drive to the Chinese restaurant which is the one we came to with my parents. Daniel parks the car and takes Hazel's hand as I lead the way into the restaurant. A waiter shows us to our table and leaves after handing us menus.

"What are you going to have?" I ask Daniel, looking at him over the top of my menu.

"Soup and fish crackers?" He asks and I nod in agreement. "A plate of chowmein too for Hazel."

He calls our waiter and places the order. The food arrives in exactly fifteen minutes. We're served steaming bowls of soup with crunchy fish crackers and delicious chowmein.

I help Hazel with her food then turn to my own bowl.

"I didn't realize I missed food until now." I sigh, sipping the soup.

"You had food at the hospital." Daniel reminds me.

"The moldy gravy and rice don't count." I point out, grinning.

I had a headache throbbing at my forehead but it resides as I begin to eat and in no time, it stops hurting.

An hour later we're back home with full stomachs. Hazel fell asleep in the car so Daniel carries her up to her bedroom. We pull off her shoes, tuck in the covers and leave the night light on. Daniel goes down to the living room to watch the news while I head to our room.

Relieved to be back, I leave my shoes near the door and collapse on the bed. The familiar bed soothes me. A scratch on my left arm catches my attention. It's a pink blemish now but still a reminder of the accident.

The sound of a cough draws my attention away from the mark.

"Hey." Daniel says, coming to sit next to me on the bed.

"Hey." I whisper back, too exhausted to say much else.

We sit like this for a moment before he asks, "What I can do to make this better?"

He didn't ask a stupid question like 'how are you?' or 'are you feeling okay?' He just wants to know how he can help me and this is the man I fell in love with. No longer able to hold back the crushing emotions that have been coursing through my body for the past few days, I start sobbing into the pillow.

Daniel lets me cry it out while he rubs my back and strokes my hair. Once it's all out, I sit up and wrap my around his waist as I snuggle into him. He holds me till I pull away to look at him and the pain is evident on his face.

"I'm sorry." I whisper for making it worse for him.

At once he comes to my defense. "No! There's nothing to apologize for." He pauses for a minute, letting me absorb his words. "Don't ever blame yourself for this."

"But...Hazel's been all alone and you're..." I start to sob again as he pulls me into a hug and kisses my head.

When I've gained control over myself again he lets go of me and touches his forehead to mine. "I love you. No matter what."

My heart threatens to shatter but all I can manage on the outside without crying is a timid smile. "I love you too."

I grab hold of his shirt's collar and pull him to me. He presses his lips to mine as hungry for the kiss as I am. He pushes me against the headboard of the bed without breaking the kiss. I pull away and gulp air before pressing myself against him again, my lips soft on his.

When we finally stop, Daniel looks me in the eye and says, "You make me go crazy, Mrs. Aaron."

I raise an eyebrow at him as I feel my cheeks warm up but we're both smiling as he leans in for another kiss.

I don't particularly like the beginning of this chapter but I think that the end makes up for it ❤️ What do you all think? Please comment and let me know! If you don't want to do this, just comment saying 'me' so that I know who is reading the story!

Please leave feedback! I love you all!

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