Sinus infection - Nouis (LP)

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'Morning Li.'


'Come on Li up you get busy day today.'

I just groaned. I had a stinking cold that appeared out of nowhere last night and I had hardly got any sleep all night as I couldn't breathe out my nose but it was football try outs at school today and as team captain I had a big say.

'Come on bud your not normally this hard to wake up what's up.'

'Just really tired pops.'

'You sound awful Li are you up for school?'

'I don't have much of a choice.'

'Course you do. If your not well enough then you don't go I'm sure your coach will understand. I can talk to him during lunch if you want and explain.'

'It's not a great first impression on the team though I'll be fine I'll just take some tablets and take some with me. Plus I have a test in biology and I can't miss that either.'

'Alright but if your going you really need to start getting ready.'

'Yeah I know.'

I got out of bed and groaned when I felt a headache forming. I rubbed my forehead and went into the bathroom. Once I was ready I grabbed my football kit and school bag and headed downstairs where the rest of my family were.

'Morning Li.'

'Morning dad do we have any cold and flu tablets.'

'Yeah we should why?'

'I have a stinking cold, my nose is so blocked and I can't smell anything.'

'I can hear it in your voice that your congested.'

My dad got up from his seat and headed for the medicine cupboard. After a couple minutes of ruffling through he pulled a box of pills out. He then came towards me and before he gave me the tablets I felt him place his hand on my forehead.

'You feel a bit warm Li I think your coming down with something more than just a cold.'

'I'll be fine I just need to get through today and then if needs be I'll take the rest of the week off.'

'Alright your 17 now you can make your own decisions but I'm telling you now if you were younger I wouldn't be sending you to school.'

'Dad when we were younger you kept us home even if we just sneezed a couple of times.'

'Better safe than sorry.'

I swallowed the pills down and went to grab the box but pops grabbed them first.

'I don't want you carrying these around with you if you want them come to my classroom.'

'But your class is the other side of the school.'

'If you want them that badly you will come and get them. Now come on we're leaving. Harry let's go.'

I got up and headed for the door picking up my bags and then heading for the car.

'Alright boys I'll see you later. You know where I am if you need me.'

'Bye pops.'

I made my way towards the sixth form block and placed my football kit into my locker. I then made my way into the common room to find my mates.

'Hey Li ready for football tryouts?'

'Yeah course.' I smiled up to him but his smile instantly turned to a frown.

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