Don't like doctors - Narry (LP)

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"Daddy." Liam squealed when he saw Harry walk through the front door of the house with Louis on his hip.

"Hey Li, did you have a good time at school today."

"Yes, And guess what."


"Andy is having a Halloween party tomorrow and he's invited me to go and we get to go trick or treating and everything." Liam said quickly saying the whole sentence in one breath.

"Breathe Li, don't want you passing out or anything." Harry laughed as he placed Louis down who toddled off to find Niall not really understanding what Liam was so excited about.

Harry then picked Liam up who giggled and wrapped his arms around his daddy's neck as Harry walked towards the kitchen as he could Louis babbling about his day in the kitchen so he guessed that's where Niall was.

"Hey love."

"Hi." Niall said as he was trying to hold Louis still who was bouncing up and down.

"Louis did you have a nap at nursery today?"

"I had 2 Papa." Louis said well that explains his amount of energy as Louis had stopped having 2 naps a day 4 months ago when he turned 2 and a half for this exact reason Niall thought.

"Why did you have 2 naps?" Harry asked his bouncing son and Louis just shrugged.

"Had no one to play with as all my friends were napping." Louis justified and Harry nodded.

"Has Liam told you about tomorrow."

"Yep I've heard all about it." Harry said and Liam smiled before getting his daddy to put him down and he headed off to watch TV.

"Louis please Love, stop bouncing just stay still for 2 minutes." Louis nodded but then started running around the kitchen and Niall sighed.

"It's Alright Love, I'll take him outside so he can run around for a bit." Niall nodded and Harry quickly grabbed his small son as he ran past him and lifted him onto his shoulders before taking him out to the garden.

"Papa." Liam said as he came back into the kitchen.

"Yes Love?" Niall asked when he saw Liam sit down at the table.

"Can I have a drink please?" Liam asked and Niall nodded.

"Course Love hang on a minute." Niall said and Liam nodded. His throat was starting to bother him but he decided to stay quiet about it as he didn't want his parents to find out and not let him go to Andy's tomorrow.

"Here baby."

"Thanks Papa." Liam said quietly and Niall smiled before turning back to the dinner he was making and smiling when he saw harry and Louis playing in the garden.

The next morning Liam really didn't feel well. His throat was hurting, as was his head and he was really tired.

"Morning monkey." Harry said as he walked into Liam's room smiling when he saw Liam bundled under all his blankets.

One direction sickfics/kidficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora