Cold baths - Lilo (NH)

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Request for: ilangel1

"Bye dad, Bye Pops." I said as I pretty much pushed my parents out the door fed up with there fussing.

"Are you sure your be fine?"

"Yes dad, this isn't the first time I've watched him."

"Yes but it's the first time overnight."

"Seriously were be fine I'm 16 I'm perfectly capable of looking after an 8 year old." I said and dad sighed but nodded.

"Alright were see you tomorrow but if anything happens ring us."

"Dad for the last time Nothing is going to happen." I said and he nodded.

"Come on Li, there going to be fine stop worrying so much." My pops said smiling at me and I smiled back.

"Alright, Alright I'll see you tomorrow." Dad said and I nodded before waving and shutting the front door before heading into the living room where Niall was watching a film.

"We are parent free Ni." I said happily flopping down next to the boy who smiled and cuddled into my side.

"Where have Daddy and papa gone?"

"They've gone away for the night for their anniversary but there be back tomorrow afternoon." I said and Niall nodded turning his attention back to the film he was watching.

"Right What takeaway do you want?" I asked Niall 2 hours later seeing the time being just past 6.

"Not hungry." Niall mumbled snuggling further under the blanket he had laid over himself about an hour ago.

"Not hungry? Your always hungry Ni." I said chuckling but Niall shrugged.

"Not today." He said.

"You feeling alright?" I asked him and he shrugged earning a silent groan from me. Trust Niall to get sick while my dad and pops are away.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I'm really cold, my throat hurts and my head." He whined and I sighed.

"Come here." I said opening my arms for him and he crashed into them.

"Why didn't you say something earlier? Daddy and papa wouldn't have gone if they knew you weren't feeling well."

"That's exactly why, I didn't want them to stay home and worry but now I want them." Niall cried and I sighed wrapping my arms around him.

"You really should have told them Ni, but don't worry about it now I'll look after you." I said and he sniffled but managed a weak smile.

"I'll go grab you some medicine yeah and then we can watch a movie." I said and Niall nodded curling in on himself as I got up and headed into the kitchen.

I grabbed the kids pain relief along with the thermometer while I was in the kitchen along with something to eat for myself as it didn't look like Niall would be eating and I didn't want to order takeaway for just one person. Once I had everything I made my way back into the living room where Niall was in the exact same position I left him in.

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