I'm not hungover - Larry (NH)

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Request for: ilangel1

"Niall come on, your going to be late unless you hurry up." I heard my pops shout up the stairs. I was currently in my room getting ready to go to my mates birthday. He was just having a few friends around and we were going to hang out for a while and stay over, however I was debating with myself whether I should actually go. I hadn't been feeling great all afternoon. I had a headache and my stomach was hurting but I didn't want to let my friend down so I was going to try and get through it. If it gets any worse I can always ring one of my parents to come and get me.

"I'm coming Pops." I shouted back down the stairs and grabbed my bag before walking down the stairs.

"Where's dad and Li?" I asked realising the house was way to quiet.

"Your dads gone food shopping and Liam wanted to go with him."

"He's probably going to regret that decision." I said as I started to tie my laces. Whenever one of my parents took Liam shopping they always came home with more than they intended.

"Yep it will be an expensive trip to the supermarket." My pops said and I laughed before standing up and heading out the door for the car.

Once my pops joined me, he started his normal speech.

"I know your getting older now Niall, but your still not old enough to drink." He started and I knew straight away where this conversation was going. A couple of months back I went to one of my friends and let's just say we drank quite a lot. My parents were fuming when they picked me up the following morning and I had a massive hangover and now every time I go out I get the same speech.

"Pops relax, I'm not going to make the same mistake again."

"You better not, if I pick you up in the morning and your hungover that's the last time you go to a friends overnight unless there's a parent present."

I nodded as even if there was any alcohol there tonight I wasn't intending on drinking any. If I felt sick before drinking I was pretty sure alcohol would finish me off.

"Alright have a good time love, I'll pick you up about 10 tomorrow as me and your dad have work and you need to look after Li." Pops said to me as we pulled up outside my friends.

"Okay." I said as I waved getting out the car and heading for the door.

"There you are. What's up tonight mate your being way to quiet." Ashton said as he came and sat down next to me. I had found a quiet area of the house where no one was and retreated in here to hope to calm my head and stomach.

"I'm fine." I said trying to sound convincing but I was anything but fine and I just wanted my bed.

"Mate I'm not stupid, I know when your lying and my mums a nurse so I know a thing or 2 about these kind of things and I know your feeling sick. What's up?"

I sighed but decided to tell him.

"My head and stomach hurt." I said and he just looked at me sympathetically.

"That's rough mate. It's probably a stomach bug." He told me and I sighed I had already figured that out earlier.

"Maybe you should head home Ni, the more I look at you the paler you look." Ashton told me and I shook my head.

"I can't my parents will think I've been drinking. They already warned me about it."

"But you haven't drunk a single drop." Ashton argued with me and I just sighed.

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