Prank gone wrong - Lirry (NH)

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Twins are 12 years old again in this request rather than 4.
Request for: gpsstylinson

Louis was daydreaming like normal in his maths class. Maths just didn't seem to be able to keep the 12 year olds attention and his mind regularly wondered to other things. Although this lesson there was something that snapped him from his thoughts.

"So tomorrow you will be taking the test on everything we have done this year so far and I want everyone getting at least 80%." Louis heard his teacher say.

"What, sir that's near enough impossible that's like nearly full marks." Louis heard his friend Sam protest.

"Sam it's not anywhere near full marks it's 20% less and also Niall never seems to have any problems. Maybe put down the games controller and pick up the text books." Their teacher said causing the class to groan while Louis looked over to his twin seeing him already looking back over notes. Louis didn't understand how Niall was so smart and he wasn't. I mean they were twins surely if one was smart then so should the other.

When the bell rang the class quickly packed away there things and left the classroom, Louis heading to his locker with a couple of his classmates following.

"Louis we have a plan about this maths test tomorrow but we need you in on the plan." Sam said.

"Okay, What is it?" Louis asked not questioning it at all as he needed some miracle for this maths test.

"If Niall fails this maths test then sir will just assume it's too hard as Niall is his top student." Louis however butted in then.

"But Niall doesn't fail tests he'll be locked away in his room all night revising."

"That's where you come in, Look I borrowed these from my brother and all you need to do is dissolve one in Niall's drink or food and he won't be able to stay off the toilet." Sam said and louis looked at the tablets confused.

"What are they?"

"Laxatives, Don't worry There wear off in a couple of hours but it will be enough for Niall to be way to distracted. If you give him one tonight then he won't be able to study and then if you give him another in the morning then bingo he will most definitely fail as he won't be in class long enough to complete the test." Sam explained and Louis didn't know what to say. 1 why the hell did Sam just carry around Laxatives and 2 He didn't want his brother to go through a lot of pain but he also didn't want another f on his report card.

"What if my dads catch Niall tonight though.
If they see or hear Niall on the toilet then they won't let him leave the house as there assume he's sick, meaning we're have to take the test."

"Yeah But Niall will put up a fight to go to school and by tomorrow morning He should feel better. Plus he won't have a fever or anything as I'm sure your parents will check that."

"Yeah I guess." Louis said and sam smiled at him.

"Right it's set then, see you tomorrow lou." He said and Louis just waved before heading off to his next class.

"Hey boys." Liam called out when he saw the twins enter the kitchen.

"Hey dad." They both replied, Louis dumping his stuff on the ground and going straight for a snack while Niall made his way upstairs.

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