Migraine - Nouis (HS)

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Louis' point of view

'Liam can you come down here please.'

'What is it dad?'

'Just come down here and I will tell you.'

I then heard movement from upstairs and then Liam appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

'You called.'

'Sit down.'

'Am I in trouble.'

'Not that I'm aware of. Should you be?'

'No that's just what normally happens when you call me like this.'

I just shook my head at him.

'As you know Me and your Pops are going away for the weekend so you and Harry are going to be home alone.'

'I know it's amazing news.'

'Ah ah, before you start getting to excited Harry doesn't feel the best so there will be no parties.'

'But dad.'

'No buts Liam, he's came home from school with a really intense migraine and he can hardly get out of bed for the toilet so I want no extra noise.'

'What am I expect to do all weekend then?'

'Take care of your brother.'

'No way he can look after himself.'

'Liam I'm warning you if I find out you have had a party I will personally make sure you are so sorry you will never disobey me again.'


He then walked off and only a minute later I heard him slam his bedroom door shut.

I sighed I had no idea what had gotten Into him at the moment. I headed upstairs to my youngests room who was curled into a ball with a pillow over his head and his blinds shut.

'Harry are you okay?' I spoke keeping my voice as quiet as I can.

'No, do you have to go this weekend?'

'I'm sorry love but you know how important this is to your Pops.'

'I guess.'

You see Niall had been massively looking forward to this weekend for months. He had been nominated for an award for his contributions to teaching but it was in London so we were making a weekend out of it as it was to far to do in a day.

'Love do you want some more medicine, your due for more.'

He nodded and slowly sat up.

'Oh Haz you look awful.'

I placed my hand on his forehead and sighed when I discovered the heat.

'Do you feel okay other than your migraine?'

'I feel a bit sick.'

'I'm not sure this is just a migraine Harry I can feel that your temperature is above normal and you don't normally have a fever when you have a migraine.'

'That's just great.' He whined and whimpered so I grabbed some tablets from the bathroom and went and sat on his bed with him.'

'Here take these they should help.' He nodded and swallowed them down.

'Can you get me a bucket or something just incase. I can't get out of bed if I do need to be sick with the pain in my head.'

'Sure love do you want anything else?'

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