Can't breathe - Lirry (LT)

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Request for: July_Cmorales10

"Daddy's Where's lou lou? I want to play with him." Niall said as he walked over with a ball in his hand as Harry and I were lounging on the outdoor furniture.

"I'm not sure Love actually. I'll go and see if I can find him it's a nice day he should be outside." I said taking my sunglasses off and placing them on the table as Niall climbed onto the outdoor sofa next to Harry and I saw him place my sunglasses on. I chuckled fondly and told Harry to take a photo before I headed indoors to find Louis.

"Louis." I called out as I entered the house but received no response from the 4 year old so I took my shoes off and ventured further into the house. I checked the rest of downstairs but couldn't find him and then headed upstairs where I found him in the playroom.

"Hey baby, what you doing in here? I thought you'd be outside. It's a nice day for once." I said and he shrugged continuing to push his train around the track.

"Alright, well come on outside please, I'm about to start the barbecue anyway." I said and Louis nodded standing up and grabbing my hand.

"Lou sweetie, take your jumper off it's too hot for you to be wearing that." I said and he shook his head.

"Not hot though." He said before reaching up for me so I lifted him onto my hip.

"How are you not hot, it's boiling out." I said but he just shrugged I then noticed that he had his jeans on. I swear I put him in his shorts this morning.

"Lou have you changed?" I asked and he nodded.

"Was cold with shorts on." He stated.

"You feeling alright?" I asked him feeling his forehead but didn't feel any abnormal heat,

"Yeah daddy I'm just not hot." He said and I just nodded taking him downstairs.

"Right Go and play with Ni outside I'll be out in a minute." I said placing him down when we got into the kitchen but he shook his head.

"Alright you can help me carry some of this out then." I said handing him the bread rolls before I grabbed the burgers and sausages and we headed outside.

"You found him then?" Harry asked once we reached the table and we placed the stuff down.

"Yeah he was playing with his trains." I said as Louis ran off to Where Niall was playing with the ball by himself.

"Isn't he hot?" Harry asked but I shook my head.

"Nope He claims he's not." I said and Harry just nodded.

"Ni Can I have my sunglasses back please." I called out seeing my small blonde still had them on. He giggled before running off in the opposite direction and I laughed before running after him.

"Come here monkey." I said picking him up and spinning him around and he giggled before I slid them off his face and put them back on my own.

"If you want sunglasses go and get your own." I told him placing him down on the ground and he smiled at me before running back off to Louis who was now on the climbing frame clearly not being bothered to go and get his own.

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