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The next morning, Sema woke with a bit of a headache. She made a mental note to herself. Never drinking Hennessy again.

Slowly she sat up, yawning big, and groaning when she felt the headache worsen. She wasn't even gonna bother getting up right now, so she laid right back down. She'd just wait til somebody came to check on her to get an Advil or something. As she anticipated somebody knocked on her door around 15 minutes later. She knew it wasn't the children, because they usually didn't knock, just busted in the room.

"Come in," she said, in a hoarsely voice. Why was she hoarse?

Dave stepped in, with a glass of water, and something balled up in his hand, she assumed was pills. His presence alone made Sema's body heat up, but she couldn't understand why. Why was she suddenly feeling a some type of way about Dave?

"I figured if you wasn't up by now, you had a hangova'. I brought you some Advil." He opened his left hand up, revealing the circular blue pills.

"Thank you. Can you just leave em' on the nightstand please? I can't even sit up right now, this headache is so massive." Sema rested the back of her hand on her forehead.

Dave nodded, and set the glass and pills on the nightstand. He was about to leave out until Sema jumped up from the bed and sprinted to the bathroom. Walking in the bathroom, he found her hunched over the toilet, spilling the contents of her stomach from the night before. On impulse, he held her hair back, as he'd done many times before for Milly.

"You don't have to d-." She couldn't even get her full sentence out before she was hunched back over the toilet.

"Don't worry bout that , just get it all out, ma," he told her."


Once she finished emptying her stomach, she went to take the Advil pills and came back to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Examining herself in the mirror, she frowned as she brushed her teeth. Her hair was everywhere, which was something that shouldn't have been because she usually wore her bonnet at night. She didn't have her mask on, which was also a sleeping accessory. She also normally didn't wear her brother's shirts, with nothing under it for that matter. She must have really been drunk off her ass.

Her eyes went big when she thought back to earlier and realized Dave probably saw her half naked. She'd have to apologize to him later.

After brushing her teeth, she decided to shower. Twisting only the hot knob on , she slipped the shirt over her head and stepped in. As soon as the hot water touched her skin, she relaxed against the shower wall. She closed her eyes and almost immediately her mind began to trace back to the events that happened last night, which she thought might have been a daydream.

Popping her eyes open, she realized that she was touching herself. She quickly stopped and began to wash up hastily, but her mind remained on her "daydream". Why would she daydream that? Then she recalled that she could barely remember last night, and that could explain why she didn't do her nightly routine. But Dave didn't say anything to her this morning. That couldn't have happened..right?


"Taia," she whined. "I think something happened last night." She had called Taia to share--well, what she unsure of. She didn't have to worry about anybody hearing her conversation, because her bedroom was soundproof. Her husband had thought to do such, when he had her house built.

"You think?! You sound like Ving Rhames girl. Something fucked your throat up! You got some s'plainin to do." Sema rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, I gotta tell you what happened. Well, I finally opened that bottle of Hennessy you got me for my birthday-," she explained before being interrupted by Taia.

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