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- Three months later -

Sema sat on her doorstep, untangling Christmas lights as she watched her kids decorate the front yard with some the Christmas decorations that they had gotten from Michael's and ordered online. They had been waiting since January for December to come around and it was finally here. It was their favorite time of the year. They even had the nerve to wake her up at 6:30 to start decorating. However, she didn't mind. She she had to say, it was her favorite time of he year also.

"Mommy, help, please. I can't get this," McKenzie pleaded, struggling to get the lit candy cane decoration stuffed down in the ground. They were lining them up along the pathway that lead up to their front door. Sema was just about to help her when Kieran stepped in.

"I got it Kenzie," he told her, stopping what he was doing and coming over to help her sturdy the candy cane in the ground. Ever since that day that Dave had talk with him, he had been nicer to his sister, and they hadn't gotten into another physical altercation.

Sema smiled at the kind gesture.

"Thank you Kier," McKenzie beamed, hugging him. "Look mommy! We finished the candy canes!"

"Ooh! They look good guys. Now why don't y'all go inside and warm up, hmm?"

"But mommy," they both whined.

"No buts. I don't want y'all getting sick. I'll bring the rest of these lights inside and we can finish untangling them. I'm just gonna wrap the columns and I'll be in, and I'll fix us some hot chocolate, okay?

"Hot chocolate!" They exclaimed, running in the house.

"Stop running!" Sema shook her head and began wrapping the columns with lighted garland.

- - -

Sema had gotten off from working a short shift at the hospital, and was heading back to Pier 1 Imports to pick up some more Christmas decorations for her house. They always went all out for Christmas, doing a different color scheme every year. This year is was blue, white, and silver. She had white and silver ornaments and such, but she had to pick up all the blue.

Turning into Pier 1 Imports' parking lot, she quickly found a space, seeing as there were only two cars there, and made her way in. It was 8:38 and Pier 1 was going to be closing at 9. She also had dropped the kids off at Taia's before she went to work so she had make her way over there and pick them up before heading home.

The bell jingled as she pushed the door open to the store and walked in and began her search for blue and silver napkin rings. She figured if any place had them, it would be Pier 1. After a couple minutes with no avail, she just decided to go to the counter and ask for help. No one was there, so she took out her phone to pass time while she waited.

"Can I help you?" A familiar voice questioned, causing her to look up from her phone.

"David?" She was angry and relieved all in one; confused as to why he was here at Pier 1, angry because of the way he left, and relieved to see that nothing bad had happened to him.

"Sema.." His eyes bucked, obviously shocked to see her. His eyes traveled from her face, downwards, but he quickly brought them back up to her face. Adjusting his throat, he spoke again. "What can I do for you?"

Sema chuckled bitterly. She knew her and Dave didn't have anything special going on, but she felt like they had at least formed a slight bond, along with the bond that he formed with her kids. And for him to just up and leave without a word, and not even try to contact back, yes, she was salty about that.

"What can you do for me? How about telling me why your coward ass left while we were gone, and why you didn't even try to contact us?"

Dave ran his hand down his face, blew out a breath, and licked his lips before speaking. "Look... I wasn't tryna cause no family dispute between you, your sister, and ya moms, and I couldn't deal if the kids had started crying. I thought it was best if I left silently. You ain't get the note I left?"

"Yes I got the fuckin' note, David! You think a note suffices as a decent goodbye? I told you it didn't matter anything about what my sister was saying. We've never really been really sisterly with each other anyways. And I'm not even tryin' to throw this shit up in your face, but I let you stay with me out of the kindness of my heart! I let you around my children, and you formed a bond with them. I thought we formed some kind of bond, and just leave without a proper goodbye? I thought we at least deserved that!"

"Listen, you right. It's my fault that I ain't think about how y'all would fe-" Dave spoke, before being cut off by Sema.

"Yeah, you didn't think! 3 months and we didn't hear from you. I thought you might've been dead or something! I know you don't have my number or anything you work over here on my side of town, you could've just came by the hospital or my house, just to let me know you were okay!"

"I know." Dave said, hanging his head.

"Good you know," Sema turned on her heels. Just as she did, a woman came from the back of the store.

"What is all the commotion?" Sema turned back around, quickly adjusting the frown on her face to something nicer

"It's nothing really.."

"I was just tryna-"

The woman gave Dave a nasty look, and cut him off. "What are you doing out here while we have a customer?! Why didn't you tell me there was a customer here?!" She wagged her finger in his face. "You homeless, no home training ass nigger! Get back to the back before I tell my grandmother about you stealing," she spoke in a low tone, but Sema still heard her, causing her to scrunch her face up.

Dave clicked his tongue in his jaw, before giving Sema one last look and walking off towards the back of the store.

The lady quickly adjust her tone and face, flashing a smile at Sema. "Sorry about that. He's not even supposed to be up here. How can I help you ma'am?"

"You know what, don't even worry about it," Sema told her, backing away from the counter, and walking out of the store. She got in her car and slammed the door. She just sat there for a minute before grabbing her phone and sending a text to Taia.

Taia 💕👯
Sat, Dec 02, 8:52 PM

I need you to keep Ken and Kier
for another hour or 2.

She wasn't going to continue her conversation with Dave, but after she heard what that lady said to him, she had to. She couldn't help but to be concerned.

- - -

Another chapter tomorrow ☺️

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