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WARNING: This chapter is a little disturbing.

Sema sat in her car for about an hour and a half before she finally saw Dave and the racist woman walking out. The woman locked up the store before turning to Dave and wagging her finger in his face again, while saying something. Sema couldn't quite make it out though. The woman talked to him for a good minute before pushing his shoulder and walking away.

Dave wiped his mouth off, and adjusted his jacket before putting on his hood, and heading the opposite way from the woman. Sema flung her door open, getting halfway out of the car.

"David," she called, loud enough so that he could hear her. He turned around with his eyes squinted and his eyebrows scrunched together. He had thick eyebrows, so when he frowned it made it look like he had a unibrow. Sema wanted to laugh but she decided against it, clearing her little chuckle up with a cough.

Dave began to make his way over to her, and she slid back down in the driver's seat.

He licked his lips before leaning over on her car door. "Wassup?"

"You tell me," she said, leaning back with her arms crossed.

He frowned again. "What you talkin' bout?"

"I heard how she was talking to you in the store. I understand you might need the money and all but why would you work for her and she says racist shit like that?"

Dave shrugged his shoulders. "Man, I ain't trippin' off that. I ain't really got a choice."

"Oh, you coon for coins? That's what we're doing now? You do have a choice. I don't care if you need the money or not. Why would you resort to being belittled and called a nigger?"

- - -
-a month ago-

Dave laid his head down, settling into the unfamiliar backseat. It was often that people left their cars unlocked, and so Dave would just get in a stay a while just to warm up some. The people that usually parked their cars there would be gone for most of the day. He'd stay for about an hour or so and then be on his way again.

As he laid there, just looking up at the roof of the car, his eyes began to get heavy, so heavy that he couldn't bear to keep them open any longer.

A shriek quickly caused Dave to jump up out of his sleep. He hadn't even realized he had fell asleep. He sat up to see a middle aged white woman with a look of terror on her face. He couldn't blame her though. Finding a random person in your car would scare anyone.

"What are you doing in my car?!?!!?" She grabbed an umbrella from the passenger seat and swung at him only for him dodge it.

"Chill! Chill! Imma leave. I'm not here to do you no harm.

"What did you take?!" She frantically looked around her car, checking to see if that everything was where she left it before cutting her eyes back to Dave.

"I ain't take nuffin', iight. Ya car was unlocked and I just needed to get warm for a lil' bit. I ain't mean to fall asleep. My fault."

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"I don't believe you. Your kind are thugs!"

"Yo, what you mean  mind kind?" Dave scrunched his face up. " And you'n believe me?! You checking the car for ya'self! You see nuffin' ain't missin'!"

"You were trespassing regardless," she continued to look around the car. "My bracelet isn't here... What the hell did you do with my bracelet?! I'm calling the police!" She reached in the passenger seat and grabbed her purse, pulling her phone out of the side."

One Wing | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now