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Sema took a deep breath and rested her head on door as she stood outside of the room that Dave was in. She had to talk to him and apologize for her behavior towards him. She raised her head off of the door and gave two light knocks. After no answer, she knocked again, and got the same. Afraid that she had left again, Sema quickly swung the door open, only to find him lying right there on the bed, watching TV.

He didn't even bother acknowledging her. He just kept his focus on the TV. He was ignoring her, but that was understandable. She knew she said some harsh words to him. She sighed to herself and she closed to behind her, and hesitantly walked over to the bed and took a seat beside him.

She just sat there for a minute, thinking he was going to turn to acknowledge her, but he didn't, so she spoke up.

"Are you going to look at me?" She questioned him. He still didn't. Waiting a few moments, she spoke up again.

"Dave... can we please talk?" He raises the remote, pointed it towards the TV,  and turned it off.

"Talk," he said, finally acknowledging her presence but still not looking her way. Well, at least he was listening to her.

"Listen, I know I probably said some hurtful things-"

"Probably," he repeated, adding a bitter chuckle.

"I mean...I did, okay? I said some messed up things and I'm sorry."

"That's all you wanted to say?"

"Yes...I mean, no. I um... I have bipolar disorder."

"And you gonna push your reckless mouth off on that?" He chuckled. "Sem, we both know that's bullshit. Just cause you get mad and say some bogus shit, you ain't gotta blame ya disorder for that. You said that shit cause you was mad and hurt, and you wanted to hurt somebody else. You can't play me, tryna use some mental shit as a defense."

"I wasn't trying to use-"

"Na, you was. Nd ion need ya excuses."

"I'm not making excuses, Dave! I wasn't suggesting I went off on you because of my bipolar disorder. I also have anger issues, which cause me to have a reckless mouth. I've took classes before for it, and just all that's been happening lately has caused me to relapse. And that doesn't excuse what I said to you, just helps explain my behavior. You know I'm not like this normally, Dave," Sema explained.

"Na, I don't know nothing no more," Dave retorted. It was quiet for a minute before he spoke up again.

"So, every time you get mad, you gone say some reckless shit? And I'm just supposed to forgive you?"

"I-" Sema started to say before Dave cut her off.

"See that's where you got me fucked up, yo," Dave told her, hopping up from his previous seat beside her. "You can't say anything you want to me and expect me to overlook it cause you got internal issues. Especially when I ain't did shit to you. You can take that shit up with whoever got you fucked up."

"I know, Dave. And that's not what I'm saying. I've started taking my medication again, because it mellows me out. And if it gets to the point again, I'll start back taking the classes. I promise, I'm gonna get my anger back under control."

"Yeah, cause you really was talking to me like I was some nigga off the street, some fuck ass nigga, who was just using you, when you know that's not the case. I'm so serious when I say I ain't gone be talked to like that too many more times, Sem."

"I know, and again I'm sorry."

"Mhm," Dave said simply, giving her a hard look with his arms crossed.

"So..." she trailed off. "You forgive me?"

Dave stroked his chin with his index finger and thumb, and licked his lips before responding. "Get ya lil mean ass over here," he told Sema, uncrossing his arms.

She raised her self off the bed and walked around to him. They embraced each other and Dave smacked Sema's ass roughly.

"Ow," Sema whined.

"You know I should punish you for how you were talking to me," he told her, palming both of her cheeks and walking her back towards the bed.

"Punish? That sounds like a couple days of me limping. Can't you just give me the silent treatment or something?"

"Na. You need to learn ya lesson," he backed Sema into the bed and she simultaneously fell back.


Dave smirked and gripped onto her pants. "Lay back, mami," he told her and started to pull them off.

Pulling them down her legs, he threw them to the side and followed up with her underwear. Getting on his knees, he looped his long arms around her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the bed. 

Sema bit her lips as she watched him begin to massage her clit with his thumb.

"I wanna see how wet you can get for me ma ma," Dave told her, licking his lips, and looking her dead in her eyes.

The longer they held eye contact, and the more she massaged, the wetter she got. When he saw that she was good and glistening, he rub his index and middle fingers up and down her lower lips before plunging them deep inside her.

Sema rested her head against the comforter and closed her eyes. She bit her lip hard to keep from moaning out, because her kids were just a few rooms down.

"That feels good?" She quickly nodded, and she tried so hard to hold in her moans.

Dave quickened his pace as his fingers dipped in and out of her. When her back started to arch off the bed, he simply slid them out and popped them in his mouth. Her eyes opened and she sat up a bit trying to see why he stopped. She frowned as she watched him get  up off his knees.

"Think about this next time you wanna talk to me reckless," he told her, as he disappeared into the bathroom, leaving her irritated and  horny as hell.

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