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"Yes, I was wondering how to go about getting someone removed from my property." Sema was on the phone with the police department trying to get her mother moved out of the house that she bought her. She knew she wasn't going to leave voluntarily, and going over there, trying to throw her out would do no good.

"Yes, I own the house...I bought it for someone and I just need them out now...No, their name isn't on any deed...Unh-huh," Sema wrote down everything they told her to. She was going to have to go about it legally.

"Unh-huh...Unh-huh...Okay, thank you." Pressing the end call button, she found her mother's contact in her phone. She was just about to press it when her doorbell sounded off. Untucking her legs from under her rear, she rose from her recliner and went to the door. Peeking through her peephole, she saw a crying Aeris, which caused an automatic eye roll.

"Lord, give me strength," she said, looking to the sky. She unlocked the door and swung it open, immediately being met with a big
hug from Aeris.

"Sem, I'm so sorry!" Aeris wailed. "I didn't know mama did that. I am so sorry!" It caught Sema off guard and took away her ability to speak. Sema barely embraced her as she cried on her shoulder. Her fake love detector was going off the charts.

"Aeris..." she trailed off. "You wanna tell me why you're here? Last time I spoke to you, you had some choice words for me."

"That doesn't even matter right now Sem. I'm just  concerned for you right now," Aeris told Sema, pulling away cupping her cheeks. "I didn't know mommy had been such an evil bitch to you. I might have said some harsh things and acted like a brat, but I would never intentionally sabotage your life." Sema stared into her eyes and for once saw they were filled with genuineness.

"Well, I appreciate you coming by Aeris. If you'd like to do another good deed, you can go by and tell Lydia that she has 1 week to get her three pieces of shit and get out of my house."

"I can't go back Sem," Aeris slowly let her hands drop from Sema's face and focused her attention on the ground.

Sema's inner brows plummeted down to her nose in a deep scrunch. "What do you mean you can't go back?"

"Mama said that if I come back, she's gonna hurt me and the baby. And I really wanna keep the baby this time Sem!"

"So where are you going to go, Aeris?"

"Well... I know I've been terrible to you, but I was hop-," Sema cut off Aeris before she even finished her sentence.

"Oh no. As many problems as you've caused there's no way in hell I'd let you move in here. And you know Dave lives here and you have some kind of vendetta against him. Absolutely not."

"Sem please! I wouldn't even ask if I didn't have any other choice! Think about your niece or nephew."

"I thought about the last 3; you're the one who didn't," I told her, which made her mouth drop. I know it was a petty thing to say but it was the truth.

"If you're going to hold my past against me, I don't even know why I'm here."

"I don't know why you're here either Aeris. After you said you hope I get gang raped me and my kids get blown up, you've actually got some nerve asking to move in with us and the "terrorist"."

"You know I said that stuff out of anger, Sem. I don't wish that on anybody, much less, my sister. And I am genuinely apologizing for that. I was being ignorant, and I know that now. I'm sorry, Sem."

"You know sorry doesn't just fix everything, Aeris. Do you know the hell you caused just by saying what you said? You caused Dave to leave here and the unthinkable happened to him. He's going to have to deal with that trauma for the rest of his life, all because you wanted to be ignorant, and he didn't want there to be confusion between us as sisters."

"I know sorry doesn't fix things, Sem. I know that, but it's all I have, and right now, you are the only person I have. I will apologize to David, I will stay out of your way completely, but I need you right now. Please," she pleaded.

Sema just stood, looking at her with her arms crossed for a few moments before speaking again.

"It's not up to me. If Dave feels comfortable with you staying here, then you can. If not, you're just going to have to find somewhere else to go Aeris. I won't risk his comfort for you after everything you've done."

Aeris just nodded. "I understand."

"Stay here. I'll go talk to him and see what he says."

Aeris nodded her head and got comfortable in a chair. "Thank you, Sem."

Without a "you're welcome," Sema made her way to her bedroom. She walked in to see Dave lying on the bed, with his phone in his face. He looked over at her and a smile immediately spread across his face.

"Hey, beautiful, where you been?"

Sema let out a deep sigh as she made her way over to the bed.

"Talking to Aeris,"

"I thought you said you wasn't go'n speak to her no more."

"Well, I wasn't. But she came by saying that she was so sorry, she didn't know my mother had did any of that stuff, and how she can't go back home because my mother threatened her. And then she asked to stay here. So I just wanted to come see what you thought about it."

"I mean you'n need my approval, that's ya sister. If you wanna move her in, that's on you, and if you don't wanna move her in, that's still on you."

"I do need your approval though. If you won't be comfortable with her being here, I'll just tell her she has to find somewhere else to go."

"Like I said, gorgeous, that's ya sister. Blood before water. Personally, I ain't got a problem wit it. A lot more people done said, much more hurtful things than her. It's really up to you though. Are you going to be comfortable? Y'all back cool?"

"We're not really cool but my mom is crazy. And as bad as it sounds, it's not even Aeris that I'm concerned so much about, it's the baby. She actually wants to keep this one, and my mom is threatening to hurt the baby, and that just doesn't sit right with me."

"Feel you on that. Well, it's fine by me, sexy. I gotta clean all the stuff I had out of there, but I can have that done in like an hour."

"Well, I guess I'll go tell her it's okay," she said, getting up from the bed.

"Alright, but listen," Dave said, gaining her attention back.


"If she can cook good like you, we bouta use her like hell to make all the dinner," he said, causing Sema to laugh.

"You're a fool," Sema told him, shaking her head and leaving out of the room.


Whew! Life is something else y'all smh. Y'all don't know how long I've been waiting to push this update out! My apologies for it taking so long. For those who are still here, appreciate ya 💖

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