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Sema threw the keys on the kitchen counter as she made her way into the area. Her mood was all the way fucked up from what she just encountered.

Dave was in the kitchen cooking dinner, and as soon as he heard the keys hit the counter he spun around. He took one look at her and could immediately sense there was something wrong.

"C'mere. S'wrong witchu ma ma?" He questioned. Sema let out a deep breath, then adjusted her face with a smile.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Dinner smells good."

"Nah, don't do that. Tell me what's wrong witchu."

"It's nothing; nothing you can help with anyways, so just drop it."

"I ain't ask you allat."

"Well, I didn't ask you to be all in my business either," Sema retorted.

Dave scrunched his thick brows together, confused as to why she was snapping on him. "What you coppin' an attitude for? I'm just tryna be there for you."

"Well don't! We fuck one time and you're "so concerned about me," Sema continued to snap at him. "You're not my nigga and I don't need you to be fake worried about me!"

"You know what? Forget I asked ," he chuckled to himself and went back to whatever he was cooking on the stove. What she said had cut him a little deep. He honestly thought they had something or something was starting to form, and for her throw it in his face that he wasn't her man, kind of led him to think that he was overthinking whatever they had.

"Now, you're gonna be mad with me too?" She questioned him. He just ignored her and stirred what was in the pot.

"Great...great!" Sema drug her hand along the bar, knocking the glass that was sitting there off. It immediately caused a clatter, causing Dave to turn around, but Sema just stormed off to the back.

Dave just shook his head and went and got the broom and dustpan to clean the broken glass up. He didn't want to risk the kids running in and getting hurt.

What Sema said had hurt his feelings, but he knew he had to put his hurt feelings aside, go check on her, and see why she blew up the way that she did. It wasn't like her to do something like that.

After making sure he cleaned up all of the broken glass, he stood outside Sema's bedroom door, with his ear pressed against it. He didn't hear anything so he delivered two light knocks, then opened the door.

Now being in the room, he could hear her quiet sobs. She turned over in bed to glance at him a second, then turned back over.

"Just leave me alone, alright?" She wiped stray tears from her cheeks with the back of her right hand.

"I can't do that," he told her, closing the door and coming to sit beside her.

"I don't wanna talk. I'm NOT gonna talk."

"Nobody said you hadda talk. I can rub your back or som'n. We can sit in silence. Like I said, I'm just tryna be here for you."

"I don't need you here!" She exclaimed, sitting up to face him. "I've been on my own. I was on my own before I met you. When you left us, I was on my own. And after you, guess what? I'll be on my own. That's what I do. I deal with stuff on my own. I don't want you in my space. Leave." Dave clicked his tongue in his jaw before speaking again.

"Nah, I'm not leaving. You gonna cry til you get tired, then what? You still not gonna be over that shit. All you gonna do is push it further back in your mind til it's ready to jump to the front again. You can try to push me away all you want, but this time I'm here to stay."

One Wing | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now