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Dave lightly closed the drawer to the dresser where he previously finished putting folded clothes. It was around 5 am, and he had yet to get a lick of sleep. He stayed up all night, debating on whether or not he should actually leave. Even in the small amount of time he had been around Sema and her family, he had grown an attachment, especially to the kids. The time he spent with them, partially filled the hole in his heart that the absence of his own daughter had made. And Sema.... the feelings for her had been growing day by day. It warmed his heart to know she really cared about him, and would defend him to her own blood. She looked out for him when nobody else did, gave him a place to sleep, decent clothes to put on his back, and made sure he didn't go hungry. As much as he he'd miss the three, he couldn't deem it right to come between the family.

He decided to leave while Sema was at work, and the kids weren't at home. It was easier that way. If he saw the kids' years he'd been tempted to stay, and Sema was persuasive as well; he'd grown a soft spot for her.

He had nothing to pack up since they'd not been able to find his bag at the hospital, and he wasn't about to take any of the clothes that Sema had let him wear. They weren't actually his, and it'd just make it seem as if he was using her for the perks. The only thing he had was a picture of him and his daughter, which he always carried with him — the only thing he hadn't lost.

- - -

Sema was dressed and headed to her shift by 6:40. First, she had to drop the kids off at her friend's though. It was their fall break, so they didn't had school. She had planned for them to spend it with their grandma, but with Aeris being back home with their mom, and the argument that they had gotten in, she didn't want her kids around her right now. And she didn't want to bother Dave.

She pulled up in her friend's driveway before parking and killing the car.

"Mommy... why couldn't we go to Aunt Taia's? I don't know anything about this lady," McKenzie whined.

"Uh. I know you're not whining like a baby, little girl. Auntie Taia is not in town. Otherwise I would've happily dropped y'all off over there. You'll have fun here though baby. She has kids for you to play with."

"But what if her kids pick their nose like Penelope? I don't do that nasty mess mommy."

"McKenzie you better behave! If I pick you up this afternoon and she tells me you were being rude, you're gonna get a good whooping little girl. Now, wake up your brother and grab your bag," Sema told her, flinging her door open.

McKenzie did as she was told, and both of the children got out following Sema to her friend's front door. Sema pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to come. It wasn't long before she heard locks being fiddled with on the other side of the door, and the door swung open.

A warm smile was plastered on her friend's face. "Hey girl! You made good time. I just got breakfast done for the kids."

"Aww Millie! You didn't have to get up and cook for them. I packed some pop tarts and things in their bags."

"Oh it was nothing, girl. My kids are usually up at this time anyways talking about they're hungry. I swear these kids eat more than me."

"You got that right! They eat every thirty minutes. Where are your little ones? You know, in the time I've been knowing you I've never met them. They're always at daycare and school."

"That is right. I've never met yours either. Let me get them and we can all get introduced. Kai and Ty come in here!"

A little boy and little girl immediately came running into view.

One Wing | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now