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Sema stood there in silence for a couple of minutes after reading the note. She wanted so bad to go out and search the streets and find him as she did the first time, but she had just got home with her children, it was around 9:30 ish, and she couldn't leave them with anyone at this hour. She just decided on searching for him after her shift the next day.

- - -

"Do y'all want breakfast before I take you to Miss Millie's this morning? She said she fixed breakfast for y'all yesterday, but y'all probably didn't eat it, did you?" Sema questioned her kids, glancing back at them in the rearview mirror.

"Yes huh, we did," McKenzie spoke up. "She fixed us grits, turkey bacon, and French toast. And..and..and we had breakfast smoothies!"

"I'm surprised y'all ate. Y'all only ever like sausage biscuits and jelly when I fix it at home. And even then, y'all prefer it from McDonald's."

"Well we like Miss Millie. We couldn't hurt her feelings! And it was yummy too," Kieran explained.

"Oh so you'd rather hurt mommy's feelings?" Sema started to fake cry. "I see how y'all operate."

"No don't cry mommy!" They simultaneously said.

"It's okay. We gonna eat yours too. Isn't that right Kieran?"

"Yeah mommy. On Saturday morning, you can fix us a big breakfast, and we gonna eat it all."

"You promise?" Sema questioned, sucking up her fake tears.

"We promise," the both said,

"Okay, mommy's feelings are okay then." She smiled to herself as she pulled into Millie's driveway. "Okay grab your bags, I'm not gonna get out this morning but I'm going to make sure y'all get in safely."

They both hurriedly grabbed their bags and climbed out of the car.

"Bye babies. I love y'all. Be good." McKenzie didn't even respond before slamming the door shut and running to the doorstep. Sema just chuckled and shook her head.

"Love you too mommy. We will," Kieran told her before shutting his door as well and following behind his sister.

It took no time for Millie to come to the door. She threw her hand up waving at Sema, and Sema tooted her in return before switching the gear to reverse and backing out of the driveway.

- - -

"I swear you've been off for like two weeks straight. I've been so lonely here. You left me here to deal with Gwen's raggedy ass attitude," Aja told Sema, reaching over the table and playfully hitting her arm.

"It's only been about a week, but yeah, I put some time in. I was here yesterday though. You just weren't on call."

"Oh, you come back when I'm off? Avoiding me I see...say no more."

"Never," Sema chuckled. "What's been going on here though?" She questioned, sipping on her cranberry-pineapple juice.

"Girl, nothing really. Same old, same old; Gwen being a bougie thief, Erica getting charts mixed up, Melanie acting like sister Mary Martha, me and Rich hooking up, Dr. Stevens getting on my damn nerves..."

Sema choked on het cranberry juice and started coughing up a storm.

"What'd you just say?"

"Uh, Dr. Stevens been getting on my nerves?" She questioned, playing dumb. Sema gave her a look that said, "Bitch, stop playing."

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