Chapter 2

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Author's Note:

I wrote in the comments regarding the detail mentioned in this chapter about Shelby being held back, but it's getting buried. At the end of the day, this is a fictional story about fictional characters regardless how schools does it in real life. 

It was an anxious week and a half for Luke. He bought a twin bed and set it up, rearranging the furniture around. He asked Madison what kind of bed set to get for Shelby; if she had a favorite color or thing. At the moment, the kid was really into the Anime show, Pokemon, in which Luke had no idea what that was. One day, during one of his breaks he caught it on TV and decided to watch it.

"Basically, this kid throws this ball and these creatures come out that can breathe water, fire, whatever, and this yellow rabbit thing shoots lightning and there are these bad guys who want to steal the rabbit and the other creatures. Oh, and did I mention they like to 'battle' each other?" Luke was telling Lorelai and Rory, that night after their weekly dinner with Lorelai's parents.

"Sounds like Looney Tunes on steroids." Lorelai looked over at Rory.

"I think I've seen some of the boys playing the game at Stars Hollow high," Rory pointed out.

"Yeah, her mentor, the one that got Shelby into it, gave her a copy for Christmas and spends a lot of time playing it and knows how, at that."

"So, she's a smartie, huh?" Lorelai smirked up at him.

He shrugged, "I guess. Her caseworker says she struggles with some subjects. She's already in kindergarten but won't come out to do any work. Shelby's looking at being held back if she doesn't start participating in class."

"I didn't know you could be held back in kindergarten," said Rory.

"Apparently you can."

The day had finally arrived when Luke got the phone call to set up the first visit. No one had still not told Shelby. In fact, the three of them were going to lunch and Madison planned on dropping the news then. So he was going to be present when Shelby found out. Knowing that made the guy even more nervous, wondering what kind of reaction the kid will have.

He opened the diner for a few hours the morning of, to serve breakfast before setting out on the drive back to Providence. Lorelai reminded him of the plan with the hat suggestion, so Luke made sure he had it on him.

Madison gave him directions to the restaurant where they were meeting. He arrived there first and waited for them. At first, Luke waited inside the truck but he was so nervous and anxious, Luke ended up getting out and pacing up and down the sidewalk until he saw Madison's car pull into the parking lot. She parked a few spaces away and slid out, stepping a few feet back to open the door to the backseat.

Luke watched from where he was standing with his hands in his pockets. It didn't seem like Shelby was getting out. A few minutes went by before he finally went over. "Everything alright?"

Madison stood up, placing a hand on the top of the door frame. "Shelby won't come out," she explained.

"Can I try?"

"Be my guest." She stepped away to let Luke take her place. He slid in between the cars, looking into the backseat. Shelby was balled up on the seat, holding the yellow rabbit-looking thing in her arms. She was the most precious thing Luke had ever laid eyes on.

Squatting beside the car, Luke spoke to her. "Uh, hi." He could see the little girl's body tense up at seeing a stranger. "My name's Luke. Shelby, right?"

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