Chapter 15

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The next five weeks were the longest and slowest days Luke had ever lived through. Even though he had always been a loner before Shelby came along, things didn't seem like they used to be. He sure did miss the kid so much. It didn't feel right without her, without cartoons playing in the background while he made dinner, or other things around the apartment. Her truck was sitting over on her nightstand, covered in dried dirt and mud, crusted inside the scoop and on the wheels. Some of the Pokemon toys got left behind. One of them, a small plush of a tan, cat-like Pokemon, was sitting there on the coffee table while Luke was sitting there on the couch. He noticed it was facing him and Luke, convinced it was mocking him, eventually flicked the plush toy off the table.

It wasn't like Luke never heard from Shelby since she left. Per his request, Rachel called to check in, every day. The first couple of days, the two stayed at her parents' house. It was actually supposed to be a whole week, but the visit ended up being cut short because of Shelby becoming nervous around her grandfather.

"What happened?" Luke asked when Rachel told him over the phone.

"Well, you know my dad," she replied. "He can be a loving man, but not very affectionate. I guess I should have seen this coming. Things were fine when we got here until dinner rolled around. That's when he started in, trying to make Shelby talk. I reminded him it takes a while before Shelby warms up to someone. In fact, I wasn't expecting a word from her during the first visit with her grandparents, but Dad seems to think if Shelby is capable of speaking, she needs to, and argued that she was just being stubborn."

"Just being stubborn?" he questioned, irritable. "Did you tell him how fearful and anxious Shelby can get from trying to speak in a new place?"

"Didn't have to. Shelby was shaking so much, and the tears were pouring. I had to take her out of the room. I just got her calmed down right before we called you. It was so heartbreaking to watch, I actually caved and let Shelby sleep with me."

Luke couldn't help a grin at that. "What happened to Shelby needing to sleep on her own?" he asked, teasing her.

"Shut up," she said, right back in the same way.

They both snickered.

Afterwards, Rachel informed him of their plans for the next few weeks. At one point, she had visited the country of Ireland and thought it was so beautiful. Figuring that was the best place to show her daughter, Rachel chose Ireland as their first mother/daughter trip.

The trip was mostly scenery and hiking. They toured through some ruins that King Henry VIII ordered to have the roof be removed and since been falling apart. Shelby really liked the carriage ride and seeing Torc Waterfall, and seeing what Ireland had to offer. Every night, once the girls were back in their hotel and ready for bed, Rachel would call Luke for Shelby, and let her say good-night and tell him all about their day. Back at her parents' house, Shelby had stopped speaking altogether, not even to Luke. Once they left and landed in Ireland, in their hotel room, Shelby was able to speak again, telling her dad about their busy, eventful day.

Luke was so glad the kid perked up after what happened. Though Shelby was now missing him just as much as he missed her, if not more. She was glad to have her mom still around, but Shelby wished her dad could be there as well. Luke tried to tell her he had the diner to run, and that this was a bonding experience for her and her mom. The call still ended sadly every time and each morning, Shelby woke up missing Luke and wanting to call him again. Rachel was supportive, at least. She knew how much their daughter loved her dad and understood how much they were missing each other. By the end of the second week, she offered if Shelby wanted to cut their trip, short, and head back to Stars Hollow. But Shelby wanted to finish the trip, stating she'll miss her, instead.

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