Chapter 11

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Another week had come and gone with Shelby getting to know her mom. Rachel had taken to helping Shelby with her homework. They stopped by the library, one Saturday, which Shelby got her first library card and picked out some books. Every night after Luke gave Shelby her bath and got her ready for bed, Rachel would offer to read to her. At first, Shelby kept her distance, keeping some space apart, but could still see the pictures. The following Friday, Shelby started closing the gap little by little. There was still no bond like she had with her dad, though.

Monday evening, when the diner wasn't as crowded, Shelby sat at the counter, drawing pictures. After Caesar left, she finally spoke, now that they were alone. "How come you no have coloring menus?"

Luke was packing everything up for the night as she followed with her eyes. "I don't know. Never really thought about it, I guess," he replied.

"You should have tem," Shelby suggested.

He couldn't help smile at the suggestion. "I should, huh?"

"Yeah, and kids will no be bored while tey wai' for their food."

Luke playfully grabbed at her head as he walked by. Once he got everything put away, Luke leaned his elbows on the counter across from where Shelby was sitting.

"What's that you're drawing?"

"A dog playing with a 'tick. I saw i' at the park when Mom and I wen'," she replied as she colored the dog in with a yellow crayon.

"Oh, I see." Luke watched for a moment before he continued. "So, you seem to be getting along with your mom."

Shelby kept on coloring, switching to a red crayon for the dog's collar.

Luke tried to think of more to say. "You know, it's going to be her birthday on Wednesday. Do you have any ideas what we can give your mom?"

She stopped to look up. "I can draw her a picture."

"That sounds good." Luke had never been great at gift-giving and was hoping Shelby had any ideas. "Can I put my name on it too so we can say it's from the two of us?"

"Maybe I can make the card and you can buy some-ting," Shelby perked up. "Like a team."

"Why don't I make the card and you buy a gift?" he playfully teased her.

"No, Dad," she shook her head. "I no money."

"Ohhh, I thought you had some money hidden away somewhere."

Shelby smiled. "Nope. You no give me a allow'nce."

Luke smiled in return. "Do I take that as a hint?" he teased her some more.

She giggled to herself.

"Tell ya what. If you want an allowance, you can earn it by doing some small jobs down here, like..." he looked around behind him and around the place. "How about restocking napkins on each table, every day?"

"Okay. How much do I ge'?"

Luke thought about it. "How about...a quarter a day?"

Shelby stared at her dad as if displeased. "Jus' a quarter?"

"For now. Maybe for your birthday, every year, I can give you a raise as you get older."

"Wha' is a raise?"

"A raise is when you receive more money than what you were making before."

Shelby frowned in disappointment.

"What's that look for, kiddo?" he asked.

She glanced up at him with just her eyes, still holding the crayon in her hand. "I have to wai' for my bir-day?"

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