Chapter 27

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 Shelby spent the rest of the day at the park with her friends and even went out to eat with their family, so she got dropped off towards the end of the dinner rush as the crowd was thinning out. Before the boys left, they asked if Luke had any donuts.

"Sure," he told them and lifted the lid that covered the donuts. The kids sat at the counter eating. What made him smile was when he looked over and saw the kids huddled together and Shelby's mouth was moving as if she were talking. Luke said nothing as he tended to a customer, but he was proud.

After the boys left, Shelby helped her dad and Caesar clean up, restocking the napkins and putting away all the condiments. Luke let Caesar leave once he finished his work, wanting to ask about what happened during the parent-teacher conference, hoping she would be willing to talk now it was just the two of them. Walking over to the table where she was sitting on her knees, Luke sat on the chair next to her.

"Hey, so Shell," he began.

Shelby looked up from the napkins.

"Your teacher had some good things to say about you. Mrs. Avery seems to really like ya." He smiled.

Shelby just shrugged.

"I noticed you... I mean, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I just wanted to ask." Luke leaned an arm on the table. "How come you were upset about Mrs. Avery sharing your stories about Jess?"

She looked away, out of the corner of her eye.

"You're not in trouble, kiddo," he assured her, softly. "I'm just curious. It wasn't anything bad, was it?"

Shelby shook her head at the table.

"So it wasn't something neither of you should have done?"

Again, she shook her head.

"If you see Jess doing something he shouldn't, come tell me. Okay? That's not something you should keep quiet about, and if Jess is telling you to cover for him, that's not okay, either."

She nodded that time.

When it seemed like Shelby did not want to say anything, Luke let it go for now, not wanting to push the kid. She did promise him it wasn't anything bad. Instead, he asked how she felt about the possibility of getting help to be able to speak up more.

Shelby stalled on the question, trying to make the napkin dispenser spin while on its side.

"You can tell me whatever is on your mind, kiddo. I promise I won't get mad," he gently reminded her.

She was holding her chin on the side of her fist, spinning the napkin dispenser again.

Luke moved the condiments still left out on that particular table, out of the way, and laid his own chin on his folded arms so he would be semi eye level. "It's okay to be nervous or anxious. Miss Kelly will help you with that. We're not making you try this to be mean. Your mom, Mrs. Avery, and I want to help you be able to speak up for yourself. Don't you want that, too?"

Shelby shrugged. "I no like when peoples make me talk. I' makes i', harder."

"I know, kiddo. But Miss Kelly will be there to help make it a little easier for you, and I'm sure she knows more about what you're going through than we do."

Another shrug.

"You're trying T-ball and you like it. Maybe you'll like this, too. Plus, you will be able to get out of class once or twice a week. That sounds great. What do you say?"

She looked up at him. "I try."

Hearing Shelby was willing to try made his heart warm. "Okay," he said.

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