Chapter 7

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Shelby went back to school on Monday. Luke tried to prep her to go right to her seat, encouraging her in all ways he could think to say and she tried as much as she could but being away for a week made things a little hard and set things back a bit. Shelby did make an effort to come out throughout the day. One kid even came over to the cupboard and tried to talk to her. The kid even mentioned that she sits next to Shelby's seat at their table. Her name was Lydia, but everyone in the class called her Liddy. Liddy tried a couple of times to come and include Shelby in the class activities. When she refused, Liddy started sitting outside the cupboard and would talk to her, telling Shelby random things about herself, or the teacher, or the classroom.

When Luke heard another kid had taken an interest in his daughter, he hoped Liddy would be the help they needed and even told the little girl she was welcomed over any time, to play with Shelby. Excited, Liddy went home and told her parents.

Friday came with the town prepping for their annual founder's day festival. Love felt like it was in the air. Luke didn't care much for it, focusing more on the diner and taking care of his kid.

Lorelai stopped by the diner around lunchtime, for coffee, also not too keen on the festivities either.

"So, why so cheery?" he asked her.

"I don't know. I'm just in a mood," she brushed it off.

"But there's no particular reason for this mood?"


"Hm mm," Luke scoffed.

"You don't believe me?" she questioned him.

Luke poured her coffee and returned the pot to its place, "I believe ya. If you say there's no reason for the mood, then there's no reason for the mood. Simply nuts." He picked up his pad of paper and pencil.

"Or bipolar," she added. "That's very big nowadays."

At that point, Taylor and Ms. Patty, who was sitting over at a table, started arguing about how the town was founded.

It tipped the iceberg for Lorelai, frustrating her more. "Can nobody talk about anything but this stupid festival?" The whole diner grew quiet and all eyes went to Lorelai. "That came out louder than it was supposed to, didn't it?"

Luke walked by and muttered, "Yep."

"Yep," she agreed.

"This festival is commemorating the founding of our town, young lady," Taylor scolded her.

Lorelai twisted around at him. "I know, Taylor. I'm sorry."

Luke looked up to add, "She's bipolar."

"Really?" Ms. Patty asked and leaned against her hand. "But you're so young."

"Uh, can I get you two anything else?" he asked of them, which both of them politely declined.

Luke returned behind the counter as Lorelai admitted, "I don't know what's wrong with me. This is a beautiful festival. People should be enjoying it."

"It's a crazy festival based on a nutty myth about two lunatics who in all probability did not even exist. And even if they did, probably dropped dead of diphtheria before age twenty-four."

Lorelai silently laughed, smiling as Luke continued.

"The town of Stars Hollow probably got its name from the local dance-hall prostitute or two rich drunk guys who made up the story to make it look good on a poster."

"You are full of hate and loathing and I gotta tell you, I love it," she told him, now excited.

Luke leaned over on the counter. "Well, it's so good to have someone to share this hate with."

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