Chapter 47

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   Luke wasn't sure whether to give Shelby a head's up about the letter coming for her, especially when no one knew what it was about, and he didn't want to get the kid all excited for a letter that could end up bad news. He couldn't help be curious about the letter, though.

With Shelby spending a lot of time outside the diner, practicing with her basketball, Jess found a hobby to keep him busy as well in a girl named Shane. Whenever he had the girl over, Jess told Shelby the apartment was off limits to kids so she couldn't go up there without the say so from him. With how distracted the kid can get by playing her Nintendo, if she was already up there, playing, Jess would squeeze in a minute or two of making out without the kid noticing. Seriously, a herd of elephants could charge right through and Shelby would never know by how far in she gets into her video games.

Most of that week, though, Shelby spent it playing outside in front of the diner, running back and forth, pretending to shoot baskets and guard the ball from imaginary players. Now and then, when Luke would look outside to check on her, he'd see her talking to Lorelai, who had been walking by, showing off the moves Shelby was learning. Luke would quickly look away if he and Lorelai suddenly made eye contact, and continue serving the customers.

The letter ended up arriving on Thursday. Luke called Shelby inside, telling Caesar he was going upstairs. Thankfully, Jess was downstairs, so they didn't walk in on anyone. On the way up, he informed Shelby; she received a letter in the mail from Bailey's parents. That caught the kid off guard to hear from someone close to her very first best friend.

Luke sat down in the armchair in front of the TV, letting Shelby climb into his lap. Once they were situated and comfortable. He tore open the envelope. Luke read the letter out loud.

Dear Shelby,

We have heard so much about you whenever Bailey called or visited home. You sound like a sweet and adorable little girl who had gone through so much in your short life. I hope you can forgive us for not getting in touch with you sooner. You see, it was very hard on us, it took a whole two years before we could go through our daughter's things. When we realized there was still someone who loved Bailey still in the dark, we felt terrible and hoped you didn't come to hate her for not keeping in touch with you as she promised, especially when that girl always kept promises she made. Just know, Bailey never stopped being your friend and mentor. She adored you, little one. She always had good things to say about you. It pains us to have to inform you of this terrible...

Luke had to stop reading when his eyes saw ahead what was written. His heart just about sank.

"Why did you 'top?" Shelby asked, with her puzzled look.

Kissing the side of her head, Luke squeezed her, tight before forcing himself to continue. Shelby had the right to know.

It pains us to have to inform you of this terrible tragedy. Bailey had a safe trip to California and landed safely. But once she got there, Luke paused to take a deep breath. A drunk driver had come out of nowhere and hit her side of the rental car. Thankfully, they informed us it was instant and Bailey felt no pain. We are very sorry for not getting in touch, sooner. We didn't mean any harm. It was hard on all of us. Bailey's room had been left alone with the door closed, and neither my husband nor I could go in there until just recently. Just know, Shelby, I'm sure this entire time Bailey has been looking down and watching over you from heaven. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, little one. We hope you found someone just as loving as Bailey was, if not more.


Dave and Joyce Anderson

P.S. This was her most favorite belonging, so we figured you should have it.

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