Chapter 10

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Luke sat there for a really long time, mulling things over in his head. Lorelai's words echoed through his mind as he thought about the last few months. The two of them had gone through so much since Luke first received that phone call. They were just now starting to hold conversations, and Luke did not want to lose that if he took this risk. But what if Lorelai was right? What if this was even worse when Shelby found out when she was older if he didn't do this now? Luke never wanted his kid upset with him. But he didn't want to see her hurt either.

He rubbed his hands along his face. This was a tough call and Luke had no clue on what to do.

Movement out in the hall caught his eye.

Luke looked up to see Shelby peeking in as she held onto the wall.

He stood up off the crate he had been sitting on and made his way over, kneeling in front of her. "I took longer than I expected, huh?"

She nodded slowly while still holding onto the wall. "Wha' you doing?"

"Uh... Well, I was doing some thinking."

"Abou' wha'?"

Luke stared at the floor, deciding what to say. He still did not know. So he asked Shelby. "Shell?"


"I..." He took a deep breath in hesitation. "I know we haven't really talked about your mom, much. Do y...would you like to?"

Shelby had turned fully around and was leaning against the wall with her palms flat against it behind her back. She just shrugged. "You say I have her smile."

Luke moved over to Shelby's other side, placing his back up against the wall. "That's right," he smiled for her.

Shelby followed with her eyes, turning her head. "Where is my mom?"

It felt like his throat suddenly closed up, keeping him from speaking. Then the next question caught him off guard.

"Is Lor-lai my mom?" Why not? Lorelai had been here almost every day, helping with Shelby. Any kid would think she was their mother if she hung around that often.

"No, sweetheart," he managed to say.

"Oh." Shelby didn't sound disappointed. It was a simple monotone response that any kid would give. After a few moments, she asked, "Did my mom die?" Luke hadn't even been sure if Shelby knew that concept yet. Though she lived with several families. Surely, it would have bound to come up among any of those, especially with older kids. A pet or grandparent, or even on TV.

Luke took in another breath. "No, sweetheart. Your mom's still living," he replied, gently, trying to remain calm enough to speak.

"How come she no here?"

There it was. The moment of truth. Luke couldn't lie to Shelby. But what would she say? Do?

Luke held his hands up, inviting Shelby in.

Shelby stepped around his knee and dropped onto him. She was wearing her hat backwards, which Luke knew that was the equivalent to not wearing it.

"What would you say if..." he paused for a brief period. "If I told ya, your mom was here?"

She shrugged. "Where is she?"

Luke didn't respond. He looked at his daughter as they sat there in silence. It must have been uncomfortable for her because Shelby pulled her gaze away towards the floor. Before he said anything Luke needed to make sure Shelby knew what really mattered.

"Shelby, you know I love you. Right?"

"Yes," she looked back up. "I love you, too."

He smiled at that and kissed her forehead where the bruise was still visible. "I'll always love you, Shell. Nothing will ever change that, and I will always be here for you. Nothing you ever do can make me love you any less. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me," Luke told her. "That said, I just want you to know the reason I haven't said this sooner was because I was trying to protect you from getting hurt."

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