Chapter 40

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    Even though they weren't moving, Luke still had to disappoint his little buddy by postponing their camping trip.

"I promise, as soon as the construction is finished, we'll go camping," he assured her.

Shelby was still devastated. "I know, kiddo. I was looking forward to it, too," he said when she gave him the most heart-wrenching, pitiful look that could melt stone.

To make matters worse, with construction going on, Shelby couldn't be around the apartment, not even in the diner. Luke felt it was too dangerous for her with plaster falling and loose nails, along with other things construction sites usually had. So he had a discussion with Rachel about it, and she was happy to keep Shelby during the entire process. Luke thought it would just be a week, but with Tom, one never knows. That meant the camping trip kept getting pushed to the following weekend. As much as she enjoyed going with her mom, after the first week, she missed her dad too much.

Luke tried to find as much time to either call or see her, even picking Shelby up from school a few times, as well as, taking Shelby out for father/daughter dates at Buddy and Maisy's restaurant.

Now and then Shelby still hung out with Jess, who would swing by to get her in the mornings or afternoons.

"He asked if Shelby could come out and play," Rachel told Luke when he came to pick her up one afternoon.

"Yeah, Jess is funny like that," he said, knowing his nephew and his sarcastic jokes. Luke had told her unless there was a legitimate reason, Rachel could not deny the cousins hanging out together.

"I told him to have her back before dark, though."

"Did he?" Luke asked.

"Let's just say it wasn't completely dark." Of course Jess would test the limit.

Luke shrugged, "Hey, it sounds like you didn't specify. Did you?"

Rachel stared at him. But she could not deny Luke had a point.

Shelby dashed over at that point, which Luke scooped her up.

"Hey, kiddo," he greeted as Shelby hugged his neck.

She pulled away to ask, "Can I come home today?"

"Not yet, but I promise, soon. Okay?"

She nodded, a little disappointed.

"Trust me, I'm gonna owe ya big time." He smiled for her to help cheer Shelby up.


"Hey, can I get a kiss, good-bye?" Rachel asked.

Shelby leaned over to kiss her mom on the cheek. "Bye, Mom," she waved afterwards.

Rachel returned the kiss before Shelby pulled away. "Bye, peanut," she waved back and exchanged, "see ya"s with Luke before he and Shelby left.

Even though Shelby didn't get to play T-ball again, Luke still fit playing catch into his busy life. Even with the short amount of times they got to play catch, Shelby still continued to improve, and it always put a smile on both their faces.

"Atta girl," he called as he caught the ball Shelby threw and threw it back for her to catch. Shelby had to reach out to the side to catch it. Even when he had to disappoint his buddy, somehow someway Luke always made it up to her and Shelby understood even when construction got put on hold for Uncle Louie's funeral, Luke had to take care of per his own father's wishes.

The guy spent a lot of time on the phone, trying to get his uncle shipped down there, plus make the arrangements and contact his relatives Luke hardly talked to. Trying to think on the positive side, not a simple task for him, Shelby could meet more of the family. Luke even included that when he called everyone. Not even getting to meet his kid was a selling point to come to the funeral. They all had some kind of excuse. In all honesty, it was probably for the best if Shelby was sheltered from his weird side of the family, especially slightly disturbed Cousin Frannie and her bird. Lorelai was disturbed just hearing Luke talk about the bird alone.

A Father's LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora