Chapter 67

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Over the next week, Shelby continued to practice and try to improve at playing soccer, even going as far as bringing her ball to school with her and kicking it back and forth between her and the twins. Shelby seemed to enjoy the sport. It wasn't her favorite sport or anything, but it was still fun to play and try out, and the twins loved kicking the ball round, making up games they could play with the soccer ball.

However, Shelby wasn't the only one who seemed to be doing great. At first glance, anyway. Grabbing the mail one evening at the end of the night after closing up the diner, Luke noticed a letter addressed to the family of Jess Mariano from Wal-Mart. Curious, he tore it open and read what was inside. His eyebrows rose as Luke saw that Jess, his nephew, had been chosen Employee of the Month. In fact, the guy couldn't help feel like a proud uncle. Though it seemed small next to finding out Rory had been accepted into Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, which led to a very awkward hug between her and Luke.

Lorelai reassured Luke, Jess receiving Employee of the Month wasn't small at all and told him he should be proud, asking if he was planning on attending. Luke tried to wave it off, stating the embarrassment would kill Jess, but couldn't deny that Luke was indeed going. That was his nephew, after all. Shelby also wanted to go too when she found out about it. Luke told her to keep it between them so they could surprise Jess when they arrived. Mostly because Jess would probably try to talk his uncle and cousin out of going.

Picking Shelby up from school on the way there, Luke headed for the store branch Jess worked at, asking an associate for directions where the small ceremony was being held. Quietly, they snuck in while the manager had already started, slipping in where there was an empty seat in the back. Since there was only one chair, Luke let Shelby sit on his leg, who waved excitedly when she saw Jess standing up front, leaning against the wall with his arms causally folded.

Luke couldn't help a smile, glowing with pride as the manager talked highly of him. Everyone clapped when the manager called Jess over. Of course he refused to say anything when the manager asked him if Jess wanted to say any words. Since Jess had nothing else to say, the ceremony was brought to an end, dismissing everyone to work.

Jess immediately headed over to his uncle and cousin, who stood up with the rest. When he was close, Shelby tackled him, hugging her cousin around the waist. "What are you two doing here?" he quietly demanded of his uncle, embarrassed.

Luke answered by grabbing a hold of his nephew's cheek, stating, "I'm so proud of my boy."

Jess shook him off. "Stop it," he warned, annoyed.

Shelby had also stepped backwards. "I'm proud of you too, Jess," she told him.

"Do you have a tissue?" Luke continued. "Because I think I'm gonna be emotional."

"I mean it," he pressed. "Stop. Now. It came with cash, which is the only reason I'm here."

"Don't forget the plaque. You should hang that over your bed, shine a little spotlight over it."

Jess just rolled his eyes. "I gotta get back to work," he said, and walked away. Luke continued his fun with his nephew until Shelby interrupted him, reminding her dad to be nice or he was grounded.

"Hey, who's the parent here?" he also reminded her.

She folded her arms as she gave him a stern look that said, Not you right now.

They were interrupted by the manager.

"Hey," he greeted. "I saw you jawboning with our boy, there." The manager pointed after Jess. "I'm Bill Borden."

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