Chapter 54

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Luke headed home to pack an overnight bag for both him and Shelby, making sure to grab all three of Shelby's stuffed animals and the Harry Potter book from off the nightstand. He ran into Caesar on the way up, who asked why he was in a hurry. Luke told him everything and left Caesar in charge for the rest of the day and to take the day off, tomorrow. Luke would open later when he got home.

With an overnight bag packed, making sure he had everything, Luke returned to the hospital. Shelby was happy to have all three of her stuffed animals, hugging them all in one arm.

To pass the time, Jess read more of Harry Potter to her while Luke took care of some final paperwork he had to fill out.

Once it grew closer to the time of surgery, a nurse came in to prep Shelby some more, along with another doctor called the anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist asked what scent she wanted, to help her relax: strawberry, orange, cherry, blueberry, or bubblegum. Shelby picked orange since oranges were her favorite fruit.

The nurse also rubbed some ointment on her hand to numb it where the IV would go for the anesthesia. Even after how much Luke and Jess helped keep her calm, Shelby was still nervous to have the surgery. When it was time for the nurse to take her, Shelby didn't want to go.

Luke held a hand on the metal railing of the hospital stretcher while holding the other to her forehead, rubbing his thumb across it, affectionately. He was trying with all his might to remain calm for his little buddy. "I promise it's only for a little while, okay, kiddo? Jess and I will see you when you wake up. It'll be like you never even left," he assured her and gave Shelby a kind smile.

Shelby gripped her koala, Pikachu, and Maggie in her arm, in a tight grip. She gave him a pleading look not to leave her, but he had to. It took all he had not to cave.

Jess spoke up, reaching over to playfully punch her in the arm. "You'll be just fine, Scout. I'll kick anyone's asses if I have to, to make sure of it," he joked with a snicker.

She nodded up at her cousin.

"I'm sure you're in good hands, though." Jess punched her one more time.

When the nurse told them they had to go, Luke leaned in closer and kissed Shelby's forehead. "I love you so much, kiddo. See ya in a few." Shelby waved back at them both before the nurse pushed her from the room. The guys followed them out into the hall, walking behind Shelby and the nurse. Every few seconds, Shelby kept looking behind at them. Luke and Jess followed until they couldn't anymore and returned to their room to wait.

Jess eventually decided to check out the burger joint, asking if Luke wanted anything. Luke declined politely, which Jess shrugged off and left.

Twenty minutes went by, with Luke pacing around the room, unable to remain still. His heart beat fast against his chest. He found himself taking several breaths of air as Luke wondered how long it took to insert some pins into a child's elbow, hoping Shelby would pull through this. The kid was tough, if she could make it through everything else life has thrown at her, she could beat this. Plus, Shelby always managed to surprise him each time. It still didn't keep him from worrying, though.

Of course, Rachel was probably off, enjoying herself on some kind of adventure. Luke couldn't help feel bitter just thinking about it. The thought never occurred she could be thinking or worrying about their daughter, especially after the argument that broke out between them. Her heart was in the right place, thinking about Shelby's wellbeing, and Luke knew Rachel really loved her. He just couldn't shake his mind of all the incidents that had happened the past year since letting Rachel back in Shelby's life. Was it worth it? Letting her back in Shelby's life? Or keeping her away now that he allowed it in the first place? Sure, she seems happy and carefree again, but that didn't mean Shelby wasn't putting on a front for him and everyone else. She was his kid.

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