Chapter 8

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Luke gave Shelby her bath when they got home. She didn't feel comfortable removing her clothes unless the bathroom door was closed since there was a stranger there. While Shelby rubbed the soapy washcloth all over her body, Luke lathered the shampoo in her hair.

Still worried from earlier, he tried again to see if Shelby would talk about what had happened.

Shelby dropped her gaze towards the water, not saying a word.

Luke waited a few minutes. "I can't help fix what's bothering you if you don't talk to me, kiddo," he finished lathering and dipped his hands in the water, off to the side to rinse off the shampoo. "I won't make you if you don't want to and you won't be in trouble whether you decide to or not. I'm just worried about you."

She chewed on her lip as Shelby held onto the washcloth, tight.

Slowly and carefully, Luke took the washcloth, pulling it from her hands, and used it to get her back.

The small room was quiet as he washed her back. Finally, Luke admitted, "you know, I heard you singing, last weekend." He saw her eyes lift at that but couldn't hold eye contact. "I think it sounded beautiful."

Shelby did not look up, remaining quiet.

"I like hearing you sing."

That time, her head finally lifted again.

Luke smiled, tilting his head a little. When he finished with her back, Luke picked up a cup from the tub's edge. "Ready?"

She nodded and closed her eyes so her dad could pour water over her head, doing it twice to make sure all of the shampoo and soap was rinsed off. When her bath was over, Luke let the water out of the tub and stood up to grab her red bath towel from its rack, wrapping the little girl in it. He lifted her out and set her on the rug. Kneeled at her level, Luke dried Shelby off, getting each part of her body, including her hair, and let Shelby put her pajamas on but handed them to her. He brushed her hair out, though, or tried to at least. The brush got caught at a few tangles. That, he could do. Actually doing something with her hair, aside from a ponytail, the guy was clueless. Not that Shelby ever asked for anything done to her hair. It wasn't even long enough to do anything to it, anyway.

"Hey," he touched his forehead to hers. "Wanna fly?"

Shelby glanced up at him. His heart sunk when her gaze dropped, rejecting their airplane game the two had come up with.

Luke pulled back to reach up a little and rubbed her upper arm, comfortingly, as Shelby stared towards the floor. He wasn't sure what to do or say. She hadn't spoken since she talked to Lorelai. Just when Luke thought they were taking another step forward, they take two steps back.

Then it dawned on him. "It's not Rachel, is it?" he asked her, gently.

But Shelby continued to stare at the floor.

Luke ran the hand he had been holding against her arm, along her hair, pushing it behind her ear. "Remember what I said about being uncomfortable?" He waited for a response. Luke didn't even get a head motion. He watched her for a minute, wishing he could read her mind or see her thoughts. No sane parent wanted to see their child hurting. With each passing second, his heart crumbled.

Finally, a knock on the door made both of them jump.

Luke suddenly looked up behind him and called out, "Come in," as Shelby jumped onto Luke, clinging to him.

The door opened with Rachel sticking her head in.

"Everything alright in here? It's been awfully quiet in here."

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