Chapter 37

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    The new year started off smoothly. As soon as school started, Luke cut down video games to thirty minutes a night during the week as long as Shelby finished her homework. Shelby seemed to do a little better in school. Miss Kelly gave weekly reports on her progress over the phone, keeping Luke up-to-date. Mrs. Avery was eventually brought in to their sessions once Shelby was comfortable with Miss Kelly. By the end of January, Mrs. Avery was able to work, one on one with the sounds they were learning in class and the ones Shelby struggled with, Miss Kelly took over.

Digraphs and words ending with a T was still Shelby's greatest struggle to articulate and Miss Kelly's primary focus. With reminders from everyone, including Luke, she slowly shied away from using the word, no, and using the correct words like don't or not, though the T sound in those words weren't heard, yet. Now and then, no would sneak in, as old habits can be hard to break. What surprised Luke was how most of their friends got involved. The usual recurring faces around the diner finally could hear the kid speak and help her with her words. It was soft and mostly whispers, but no one pushed the kid. In fact, Miss Patty was finally successful in hearing Shelby sing.

"Luke, you got a prodigy on your hands," she told him one day when he came to pick Shelby up from her lesson.

"A prodigy?"

She nodded. "Oh, yes, dear. The way she sings is so beautiful I almost cried. It's so... Innocent and sweet. I'm sure Shelby can melt any stone-cold heart."

Of course, word spread too quickly of the talent the kid been holding back from everyone. A few tried asking to hear, putting Shelby on the spot. But only a select few could hear as Shelby only shared it with those she was most comfortable with. Unfortunately, word reached the school around the time the first graders were practicing for their spring concert. The music teacher tried talking the kid into having a solo part, but Shelby refused and Luke ended up having a talk with her when he picked his daughter up that afternoon and she was still in tears. So, it was decided Shelby's talent would be kept in the family, along with close friends.

Shelby still have to take part in the school concert, though. The kids practiced throughout the month of February, in music class, and performed for the parents and relatives the first Monday night in March. Somehow, Shelby talked Jess into coming, which Luke tried to ask about while they were waiting for the concert to start.

"I don't want to talk about it," was all he said.

"Seriously, how is Shelby talking you into these things when I, or anyone else, can't?" When it seemed like Jess would not give an answer, Luke just dropped it. Didn't stop his mind from wondering.

At that moment, Rachel showed up, along with her parents. "Hey, sorry we're late. It hasn't started yet, right?" she asked, taking the seat next to him. She quickly made sure her camera was ready.

"Nope. You're right on time," he assured her. When Luke saw, she brought both her parents, he couldn't help feel his skin crawl. It bothered the guy a lot Rachel's father couldn't let Shelby warm up to him first and let her speak at her own pace. Leaning over, Luke whispered to her, "What's he doing here?"

"When I told Mom about Shelby's school performance, she wanted to come see it. When I got there, Dad mentioned he wanted to come, since he hasn't seen her since last summer," she explained. When Luke showed his discomfort about the idea, Rachel added, "don't worry, I told Dad if he said anything about Shelby not talking, he wouldn't be allowed to come to any more school performances."

Looking up, Luke caught a stern stare from the man sitting on the end of their group.

At that moment, Babette, Morey, Miss Patty, Gypsy, and a couple others slid into the row behind theirs, sitting down. It surprised Luke to see them.

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