2. [➳the mortal cup]

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Clary and I walked into the club with Simon and Maureen right behind us. We stopped and looked around trying to find the two guys. We had to look for several minutes until I finally spotted the tall raven haired guy that bumped into me. I also spotted the blonde guy that I assume is named Jace. One went by the left and the other one by the right, but both were headed to the VIP area.

"I'm gonna go fail at getting us some birthday drinks." Simon said.

"I'm gonna go fail with you." Maureen said as she took Simon's hand and dragged him away. I smiled.

"Okay, how do we find them?" Clary asked me.

"Already did. One went left and the other one went right, but they were both headed to the VIP area. We need to get in." I said trying to think about some way of getting in.

"I've got an idea. You see that man with the black t-shirt?" She said and points out a muscular dude and I nod. "He's going there just follow me." She said and started to walk to him. I prayed to God she at least had a plan.

"Someone's been working out." Clary said seductively while hooking up to one of the man's muscular arms. I did the same and he turned to look at me, his eyes were glowing blue.

"Nice contacts." I said and faked a smile. He let out a little growl, but continued to walk with us.

We managed to enter the VIP area and let go of the man. I saw a very beautiful girl dancing in the middle of the room while all the other guys looked at her as if she was some piece of meat. Then, I looked at Jace who was talking to girl. I shivered when I saw that he took out a blade. Seems like Clary did too.

"Oh my god, he's going to kill her! We have to do something." She said panicking.

"Clary wait-" I tried to stop her but it was too late.

"Watch out!" Clary screamed and pushed the girl away before Jace could attack her. I looked at the girl and I don't even know how, but tentacles started to come out of her face. Clary's eyes widened in horror.

"Dammit Clary." I muttered while trying to go and get her but before I could, the tentacle girl came and tried to attack Jace, making him push Clary away. She landed on her ass. I tried so hard to not burst into laughter. Jace stabbed the girl and she instantly disappeared. He helped Clary get up but then another one attacked him, causing him to drop his blade. The blade strangely got locked or something. Clary jumped back, but then she bent down and touched the blade thing, and surprisingly, it lit up.

As Clary was holding the blade still in the air, Jace smashed a guy into it, killing him. Clary let out a gasp and I heard Jace asking her if she was okay, but again, another one attacked him. I turned around to see the raven haired guy fighting three dudes at the same time. How the hell is that possible? I then turned around again and saw Clary dropping the blade and running towards me.

"We have to go, now!" She didn't even give me the chance to say anything when she was already running towards the exit of the VIP area.

"Clary wait!" I yelled. I tried to run after her but just when I was about to go out, one of the dudes blocked me the way.

His eyes were glowing. As he was slowly walking closer to me, I was taking small steps back. Jace noticed.

"Alec! The girl, help her!" He shouted to the tall guy which now I knew was named Alec. Both of them were still fighting.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm still a little busy here!" Alec shouted back, fighting another three guys at the same time.

The man was getting closer. I saw the blade Clary had dropped a few feet away. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to wait for a guy to come and rescue me.

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