20. [➳guilty]

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As I walked over to the room where they had Izzy locked up, I could already feel all eyes on me. My guess was that they overheard my conversation with Lydia. I rolled my eyes I saw Raj standing in front of the door making guard.

"I need to see Izzy." I simply stated hoping he would just move, but he didn't.

"I'm sorry but you can't." He replied and I closed my eyes in frustration.

"She's not being prosecuted anymore. Now please, let me in." I muttered trying to keep my calm.

"Really? Under who's orders?" He asked as he crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes.

"The Clave's. Now Raj, please move or I swear to god I'll knock you out. It will only take two minutes for god's sake!" I exclaimed now annoyed. He glared at me but said nothing else and moved away from the door. I let lout a small sigh as I entered the room.

"Jeez, Raj can be so annoying." I said as I entered and closed the door.

Izzy was looking at the window but immediately turned around at the sound of my voice. She smiled in relief as she saw me and walked towards me to hug me, tightly. I hugged her back.

"Are you okay?" I asked as we still hugged.

"I am now. Thank god you're here. Did you give them the cup? Am I free?" Izzy asked as she pulled away from the embrace. I didn't want to lie to her, but I didn't know how to tell her that I practically traded my liberty for hers. She wouldn't allow it.

"Lydia withdrew the charges. You're free, Izzy." I said skipping the cup part and letting out a small smile. Her expression softened as she sighed and relief and smiled wide.

"I can't believe it. Thank you, so much. I know that the cup was the only chance to get your mother back, and I'm sorry you had to give it up for me." She said and I turned to face the floor. I couldn't keep lying to her.

"Izzy there's something-" I started to say but was cut off by someone suddenly walking into the room. We turned around to see it was Alec.

"What the hell did you do?" He asked me as he approached us and I sighed. Izzy flickered her gaze between me and Alec with confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Izzy asked him. He looked at me and then turned to look at Izzy.

"They're prosecuting her." Alec informed as he crossed his arms. Izzy turned to look at me.

"They're what?" She asked in disbelief. "Why are they doing that? They were supposed to let all this go if you gave them the cup. I don't-" I interrupted her.

"I didn't give them the cup, Izzy." I said slowly in barely a whisper. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"What? Why?"

"You were just supposed to give it to them." Alec muttered.

"I don't have the damn thing!" I snapped. They both were taken by surprise by my sudden outburst. "If I had it, I would have given it. But I don't."

"I thought you were gonna ask for it to Clary when she came back from the Hotel Dumort." Izzy said with confusion. I took a deep breath.

"That's the thing. Clary um... she didn't come back in time. I didn't know how much Alec managed to delay the trial, and I wasn't going to risk it, so I came back." I lied. It's true that Clary was acting like a complete bitch, but I wasn't just gonna tell Izzy that she didn't give a damn about her. If someone should tell her, is Clary herself.

"Lydia said you practically traded your liberty for Izzy's. Why would you do such a thing?" Alec asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"You wanted Izzy's liberty no matter the cost, right? Just be happy you got it." I said as I looked at him straight in the eyes. He shook his head slightly.

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