27. [➳betrayal]

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After our rough talk with my mother, I told Brielle to wait for me on the hallway while I talked to her. I couldn't find Lydia anywhere and I really had to talk to her, to thank her for what she did. I finally found my mom at the heart of the institute. I took a deep breath and decided to approach her.

"Have you spoken with Lydia? No one's seen her since the wedding." I asked her but she ignored me. "Mom, come on." I said but she ignored me again and didn't even look at me.

"Maryse." My father said as he approached us.

I sighed. "Mom, I understand that you're upset, but seriously do you think-" She cut me off.

"Calling off the wedding before the ceremony and in private would have been one thing, but making a whole show and just walking off the altar and kissing her in front of the entire institute? You've embarassed all of us." She said with anger and resentment in her voice. I understood why she was mad, but it really wasn't that big of a deal. It was my life and my choice, and she had to understand that.

"And why is that? Just because she's one of Valentine's daughters?" I asked, while starting to lose my patience.

"Yes, exactly!" My mother exclaimed. "Her father is the most hated man in the shadow world. He's a psychopath that hates us all and wanted to exterminate us. His reputation precedes him, just like it precedes her. You forget, that she isn't only 'Brielle Fairchild', she is 'Brielle Morgernstern Fairchild.' We don't know is she will end up being just like Valentine." My mother said with resentment. I've had enough.

"Stop it. Brielle is the most selfless person I've ever known in my entire life. She was willing to be deruned and exiled from our society just to save Izzy that by the way, in case you have forgotten, is your daughter. You don't get to talk about her like that. She is nothing like him." I replied with anger. I understood she was upset about all of this, but everything I said was true. Brielle is selfess. You don't meet someone everyday who is willing to sacrifice their lives for someone else's.

"You don't know that. You don't even know her at all."

"I do know her, but you're right I'm planning to get to know her better. And if you have a problem with that I suggest you deal with it. Now, if you kindly excuse me, I have to go and find Lydia."

"She's probably packing for Idris in your father's office. What she did-" I cut her off.

"Helped me not to make the worst mistake of my life. She saved me, so I should go and thank her." I said at last. I looked at my mother who was staring blankly at the wall for one last time before walking away. I turned around ready to leave but her voice stopped me.

"Alec, I'm begging you please reconsider all of this." My mom pleaded without looking at me. I shook my head.

"There's nothing to reconsider. The only reason why I carried out with the wedding for so long was because I wanted to pick up the pieces from your mistakes and fix them, but then I realized it wasn't my responsibility. I'm happy, and that's all that should matter." I turned around and without saying another word, I walked out of the room.



Alec told me to wait out here in the corridor while he talked to Maryse. It had already been like 10 minutes and for some reason, I was pacing neevously. The worst part had already happened, so why did I still feel so anxious? Things couldn't get worse, could they?
Two minutes later, Alec finally appeared and walked towards me. He looked as if someone had just stolen his chocolate milk.

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