9. [➳maryse lightwood]

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We all got back to the institute and I went directly to my room. I was really tired and all I wanted to do was sleep, like always. I changed into my pijamas and was ready to go to bed. I started to think about my mom, about how I really wished she was here. I touched my necklace, and a vision appeared, I could see my mother but suddenly the psycho's face appeared.

"Hello Brielle, it's nice to see you. You want your mother back? Give me the cup!" He screamed and I gasped as I threw the necklace away.


I ran out of my room to find Clary. I found her with Jace and he took the necklace to examine it.

"And he spoke to you?" Jace asked as Clary was looking at me with concern.

"Yes. He proposed a trade. Out mother for the cup. What's new?" I said tired.

"Who said that?" Someone asked from behind us. Alec.

"Valentine." The three of us replied.

"He's with our mother." Clary explained.

"And he can speak to you through the necklace? Here, in the institute?" Alec asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's like when I saw... Dot." I said slowly. It still pains me that she's gone.

"It's a portal shard. That's why your mother made sure you two each had a necklace." Jace while looking at my necklace, and then at Clary's. She had hers on.

"At least that psycho hasn't harmed our mother. She's alive. Unconscious, but alive." I said with relief.

"Where are they?" Alec sternly asked me.

"I don't know." I replied simply.

"But you said you saw them. Were there any identifying characteristics? Equipment, weapons, photographs?" He kept asking and I rolled my eyes.

"It looked kind of like a cellar or something. I can't remember anything else." I snapped.

"Alec, lighten up." Jace said while looking at him.

"I'm trying to get something we can use to get their mother back, Jace. Brielle, what did you see exactly?" He asked me and I sighed.

"The psychotic bitch has our mother. That's what I saw." I replied dryly.

"Emotions are nothing but a distraction. You're ruled by them. We're taught to control them." Alec said and turned to look directly at me.

"And how is that working out for ya?" Clary asked sarcastically to him.

"Emotions aren't a distraction. They keep us human." I said with cracky voice while looking ar him, but then I looked away. I can't believe that after everything, he's still thinking like a freaking robot.

"Look, it's my job to protect the institute. If Valentine can see in, that's a door that I have to shut. Now let me take a look at that thing." Alec said. Jace was about to hand him the necklace but I quickly grabbed it from his hand. He sighed.

"Brie, please... is for everyone's safety." He pleaded and I felt my whole body relax. He never calls me Brie. I handed him the necklace and so did Clary. "Now they are in the proper hands." He said and started to walk away.

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