26. [➳long enough]

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My heart ached because of the scene I had in front of me. Alec and Lydia holding hands, everyone cheering for the new just married couple. For a moment, I looked at Izzy. She must have sensed I was looking at her because a few seconds after she turned to look at me. Her expression changed drastically. She was serious before, but now, she had an apologetic look. It wasn't her fault, so I didn't understand why she was apologizing.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out of there. I looked at Alec one last time before getting out of the chapel.

I started running through the halls of the institute but I was starting to get dizzy. I felt like the whole room was spinning around and as if I was running through an endless hallway. Eveything was moving and spinning and suddenly I swore I saw the ealls staring to close on me. I hadn't even ran that much or that fast but for some reason, I was breathless. I finally gave up as I fell the walls were closing on me. I took one last deep breath and just closed my eyes.

Everything went black.


I was panting as I took a moment to myself. I let out a deep breath as I sat down and wiped off some sweat from my forehead.

I wasn't in that endless horrible hallway anymore, I was in my bed.

A dream. It had all been a dream. 

Well, a nightmare better said.

My eyes immediately landed on the crack of my door, and as I expected, there wasn't any letter.
But even if there was no letter, the dream made me realize that I couldn't let that wedding happen. It made me realize, how much I would regret it if I lost him like that. I had to fight, just one last time. If it didn't work out, I least I would know that I gave everything I had and didn't lost without a fight.
As I stood up from my bed, I realized there was a note on my dressing table that had my name on it. My heart raced a little at the thought it might be from Alec, but it went back to normal when I grabbed it and saw it was from Izzy.

You're obviously asleep right now, so I can only hope you wake up soon. And that when you do, you'll change your mind. Love knocked at your door Brie, don't let that go for anything. I know you'll follow your heart, because that's the kind of person you are. In case that you change your mind, I already left your dress and heels ready on the chair.
Ps. You're a REALLY heavy dreamer, so I kind of made your make-up too. I was surprised you didn't wake up. You look beautiful. Hope you make the right choice and see you there. Come to slay everyone's asses. Love you.
- xoxo, Izzy.

I couldn't repress the smile that was forming on my mouth. "What would I do without you Izzy." I said to myelf. I looked at myself in the mirror and Izzy really made my make-up. It had ruined a little on my forehead due to the sweat, but it was nothing I couldn't fix. I put the not back on my dressing table and looked at the clock on the wall. 5:30 pm. I had exactly one hour or well, less to get ready. And this time, I was going to be there on time.

I took a quick shower, being careful about not ruining my makeup. After I had put myunderwear, I stared at my dress for a moment. It was really beautiful. I don't know how Maryse got it for me if she practically hates me. I put all those thoughts aside and just grabbed he dress and put it on.

I felt even more sick than I felt on my dream, and this was pretty much real life. I did my hair in a messy bun and before I got out of the room, I grabbed the teardrop shaped opal necklace my mother gave me for my 16th birthday and put it on. That necklace ment the world to me. It gave me confidence and made me feel like I was at home. It even made me feel like if my mother was with me, and I needed her now more than ever.

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