21. [➳broken]

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I stayed there with her on my arms trying to calm her down. She was hugging me tightly, sobbing against my chest. I held her as I slowly stroked her hair, trying to soothe her, and it seemed to work. After a while, when she was no longer sobbing, I glanced down to get a glimpce of her and as I thought, her eyes were peacefully closed. She had fallen asleep. I placed one hand  behind her neck, and the other one around her waist and carefully layed her down on the bed, trying not to wake her up. My heart ached as I stared at her, seeing the dry tears on her cheeks.

I forced myself to look away and walked over to the drawers to get a blanket. I found one, and as I was slowly placing it over her, someone walked into the room. I turned to look immediately to see who it was, and it was Izzy.

"Quiet. She fell asleep." I said in a low voice. Izzy looked at me, then looked at her, and then back at me. She crossed her arms.

"I don't understand." She stated. I furrowed my eyebrows.


"I don't understand why you're still getting married when you care deeply about her and have feelings for her." Izzy said looking at me directly in the eyes.

"Izzy right now it's not-" She cut me off.

"And when would it be the right time, Alec? Huh? After you make the biggest mistake of your life?" She asked me giving me a disapproval look. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm doing this because I want to fix our parents mistakes. No one is forcing me to do it. It's my choice." I stated firmly, but still in a low voice. She rolled her eyes.

"You shouldn't sacrifice your happiness to do it," Izzy said with disappointment. She made a brief pause, and then continued. "We can't just give up on her, Alec."

"And who says we are?" I asked.

"Does that mean you have a plan?" She asked, hope filling her voice. I sighed and shook my head slightly.

"Not yet, but I'll think of something." I said as I turned to look at Brielle. Even though she looked peaceful sleeping, her eyes were still puffy and she seemed so tired. I wish I could find a way to just make her problems disappear. She doesn't deserve everything she'll get on the morning. Izzy sighed too.

"We should let her rest. Come on, big brother." Izzy said as she started to walk out of the room. I glanced one last time at her, before reluctantly walking out of the door.



I closed my eyes sharply as some guards were holding my arms with belts tightly to a chair. We were at the heart of the institute again, and everyone gathered to watch the act. From what I heard, a process like this was never made in public, but I guess the inquisitor wanted to make this a public lesson for people to see it as warning to not go against the Clave. And what better way to make it matter more than by making one of Valentine's daughters to be the guinea pig. It was barely 7:00 in the morning, and I felt as I was about to be executed. I gulped as I stared at the guard that was standing a few feet away from me, with some kind of device in his hand. That was the thing that was gonna remove my marks. The Inquisitor walked to stand by my side and started to talk.

"Today, we're gathered here because the shadowhunter Brielle Fairchild was found guilty for high treason against the Clave, and the punishment was determined for her to be stripped off her runes and be exiled from our society. Rules were made for a reason, and that's for us to follow them. Without rules, our whole world would break into chaos and evil would reign once again. We shall never let that happen. This is what happens to people that try to break the natural order of things and want to do as they please. Take this as a lesson. Now without further ado-" The inquisitor said and was about to continue but she was interrupted when someone harshly stood up from his seat. Alec.

Hold On (➳Alec Lightwood) [1]Where stories live. Discover now