Chapter 11

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Why did it have to start drizzling today?

I am walking towards the site of the ground breaking of a new government building. Is it true that when you run faster in the rain, you become wetter than if you just walk?

I was about to find out when the rain drops stopped pelting my head. I looked up and saw a black, golf-sized umbrella being held over my head. I twisted my head to my left to see who this knight-in-shining-armor was.

"Hey there." It was RJ and he flashed me the most dazzling smile.

I smiled back and stopped walking so we could walk side by side.

"Where's your umbrella? You really ought to take better care of yourself."

"A wise man once told me 'a little rain never hurt anyone'."

"And who was that wise man?"

"My dad. But I'm pretty sure he also got it from someone else."

"Well, a wise man also said, 'always bring an umbrella, in case a pretty lady needs assistance'."

My heart jumped. He is calling me pretty! Not knowing what to say, I just shot him back his earlier question. "Who is the wise man who said that?"

"RJ Faulkerson," he deadpanned.

I stifled a sound that was a cross between a laugh and a grunt.

"I know, I know.  It's corny. I just wanted something cool to say," he reasoned out with a smile.  

It has been almost two weeks since that dinner we shared. We continued walking until we caught sight of a tent and we knew right away that we've reached the venue. The light rain has stopped and the sun started showing its rays a little.

"RJ! Hi RJ!," we heard someone calling from the block of seats at the center.

It was Amy, looking like she had stepped out of a magazine page. RJ just waved at her.

We sat side by side at the press area as the ground breaking ceremonies began.

We are both attentive, recording the event and taking down observations at the same time.

The event ended and we both did our thing and asked the event organizer some questions. RJ was ruthless. He shot out well-thought of questions confidently and firmly.

But unlike in the past where RJ seemed to 'steal' all my questions, he looked conscious of my presence. I noticed he would stay quiet and reflective when he felt that I'm on the verge of opening my mouth to voice my queries. It looked as if he was giving way... It's like he was attuning himself... to me.

After the questions have been exhausted, we both made our way to our respective company vehicles with photographers in tow.

Before parting ways, he asked, "My best friend's playing tonight at The Bric-a-Brac. Want to check it out?"

"I'll see."

The Bric-a-Brac is an upper middle scale type of bar in my home turf of Pasig.  It opened two years ago and I've only been there once.

"Come on. Bring your friends. It'll be fun."

My hand was already on our pick-up's door knob when I half-turned my torso to firmly repeat, "I'll see."

I was settling in the seat when I saw Amy approach RJ. They spoke by the Post's vehicle.  I saw him glance at our pick-up truck as we were driving out of the parking lot and he held on to that gaze until we were well out of view.


Have you decided yet? 

This was the message sent to me by RJ about two hours ago. I haven't replied yet. I haven't even decided if I would go or not.

"Sam, please, sige na," I pleaded with my friend.

"Ayoko ko. Ikaw lang naman yun tinanong e."

"Kainis ka naman e," I said with a pout.

"Look, I was there too but he just asked you."

"Sabi naman niya bring your friends. You two know each other anyway.  It's just that he knows me better.  Nabuhusan nga niya ko ng kape e."

Sam's loud laughter echoed through the Chronicle's hallway.  It looks like she's considering my request.... yay!

"Uy, papayag na yan," I teased.

"Have you asked Chrissy?" Sam asked, looking at me intently.

"She can go. But it depends if she needs to work overtime."

Sam thought for a moment.  "Sige na nga. Why do you want to go anyway?"

"Because I haven't been to a bar in ages. So the idea of going out tonight appeals to me."

"Yon lang ba?" She is eyeing me with amused suspicion.

"Yes, yun lang," I huffed with a little indignation.

"Why don't you ask John?" Sam uttered after a few minutes.

"Because... I never ask guys out. At least not yet in the stage we're in."

Sam raised her eyebrows but thankfully said nothing.


We took the Uber on the way to The Bric-a-Brac. Chrissy can make it after all, so I'm meeting her by the bar's entrance.

I texted RJ to say that we are on our way to which he responded, 'great!'

When we arrived at the venue, Chrissy was already waiting at the convenience store near the bar. Together, we all made our way in.

The Bric-a-Brac's exterior was ordinary, with its name emblazoned in lights that you could see clearly from across the street. Inside though, was a different story. It's classy and cozy at the same time-- an interior that appeals to its market of the young adult crowd. It is mid-sized with wooden tables and chairs, a circular bar, and a performance nook for its live band. The soft lighting adds to its allure.    

I immediately scanned the room but RJ was nowhere in sight.

"Hey, there you are," I heard RJ utter from behind me.

After the pleasantries and introductions, he led us to a table where four of his friends are seated.

They are all his college pals and some of them are his fraternity brothers.

After 30 minutes of small talk, a guy, who looks to be our age, approached RJ. I couldn't hear their conversation but RJ stood up and muttered, "Excuse me, guys."

"It looks like RJ's subbing for the guitarist tonight," said his friend Ryan.     

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