Chapter 19- The Big Project

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A/N: Purely fiction

It's time to face the music.

I'm wrapping-up the biggest article of my career thus far.

Almost two years on the job and this is my first foray into investigative journalism. For this project, I have partnered with David, the Chronicle's senior reporter whose beat is Science & Technology.

We have been working on this for two months, which is normal for this form of journalism because reporters have to delve deeper in investigating a single topic of interest. Some writers even spend years on a particular topic, wherein they analyze and study documents, rummage through public records, and interview multiple sources. For the article David and I are preparing, the concern is in the area of corporate wrongdoing.

We have unearthed an unethical practice in the corporate world. It is not prevalent, but it is time to curtail it even before it does become a common crime. Nipping it in the bud, so to speak.

We came across this software engineer, who asked not to be named and spoke on the condition of anonymity. He told us about this group of IT Specialists who hack corporate databases for companies who want to know the moves of their competitors and pre-empt them for a variety of reasons... to steal clients or ideas, to anticipate competitor moves then shift strategies, and a host of other agenda. One of the notorious companies that subscribes to this practice is this certain advertising agency, whose board of directors once included none other than... Senator Lee.

Our whistleblower was once part of this group. I suppose he woke up and grew a conscience and now wants to start anew... in an honest manner that befits his respectable personal background.

In this advanced technological era, I find it difficult to believe that hackers are still nearly impossible to catch. While it is possible to track a cyber-attack, digital footprints can only reach up to a point. In my numerous readings on the subject, I have learned that IP addresses can be disguised and encrypted. Furthermore, hackers can create a fake trail to lead authorities to a computer that had nothing to do with the crime. And all that a cyber-trail gives is the internet address of the last computer that was used, which could have been done in an internet café. Then it becomes extremely complex to definitively pinpoint the exact origin of a data breach.

So what is our article's objective? The least we can do is to remind companies to take extra precaution of their sensitive files, enhance their data protection measures, and monitor constantly all cyber activities.

This project has been consuming a chunk of my work days, especially since I am leaving the country for six days and we are understaffed. And the goal is to finish this article before I leave, which is tomorrow.

John is right, in a way. Newspapers companies are downsizing by cutting jobs. This is a result of shrinking advertising revenues and dwindling circulation. But this is not to say that the newspaper world is dying. It is declining, yes, but not dying.

Right now, I am at the Securities and Exchange Commission to check on the corporate papers of this advertising agency.

Senator Lee resigned from its board and sold his shares after being elected four years ago. But if his officer status coincides with the dates of the hacking indicated by our source, we are obligated to dig deeper in his involvement in this cybercrime.

I finished photocopying data sheets and other materials. It's time for me to leave. I am returning the books all at the same time that the stack has become so high, it practicably buried my face. I opted to walk really slowly and carefully, as if in a procession.

"Easy right there."

I didn't even have to look to check on whose voice that was.

I craned my neck to the right. It was RJ alright, holding a cup of drink. I nearly knocked into him.

"Is it payback time? Is it my turn to get soaked now?" He teased with mirth in his eyes. He was referencing our notorious --and unforgettable-- coffeeshop encounter.

"Apparently, not today. Sayang," I teased back, as I successfully evaded bumping into him.

"Here, let me help you." He took one huge gulp of his drink and tossed the cup in a nearby trash bin.

"Uh, I can handle it," I said hesitantly.

"No worries, Maine. I'm not even going to glance at these books and papers. I would honor our unspoken rule: no sharing of whatever info on reporter's assignments," he said wholeheartedly.

Despite of this sincere declaration, I chose the safe books to dump in his arms.

"Lunch?" He asked after we've returned all the documents.

"Let's go!" I answered with a smile.

On the way to the ground floor, RJ started sharing something about his family. "My dad availed of an early retirement."

"Really? How old is he?"

"He's in his 50s, but he is entitled to an early retirement package. He opted for it because of this long standing offer--"

His chitchat was cut short by a phone call from his boss.

"I'm sorry, I can't do lunch anymore. Duty calls."

His boss, Mr. Mercado, is not as cool as mine. He is not devilish à la Meryl Strip's character in the Prada movie. But he is the serious, brooding type.

"How about if we both go to the drive-through? Please ask your driver to follow our pick-up. It's still on me," he offered generously.

Awww... Ganito ka ba talaga ka-sweet?

"There's really no need to do that. The driver and I can have lunch in our office cafeteria. But, thank you... for the thoughtfulness. But please continue with the drive-through. You'll need the energy for the rest of the day."

"Ok. So i guess I'll see you tomorrow," RJ reminded me.

"We'll both be in Singapore by then," I said.

"I can't wait," he said, dimple showing deep, as he walked me to our company vehicle.

I'm still smiling from his thoughtful gestures but it instantly got wiped off when I realized my apprehensions are coming to life. I think that yes, he and I are working on the same corporate hacking story. The biggest story of my career thus far... and yet it looks like it will be his, as well.

Kung sakali, wag sana kami magkapikunan. We are just doing our jobs diligently.

Bahala na. But I'm ecstatic about being in Singapore... together. Anu kaya ang mangyayari? Let's wait and see, shall we? I told myself. 

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