Chapter 31- The Letter

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I stared at the envelope in Jerald's hands. It had my name on it in RJ's neat handwriting. As I took it, I couldn't help but blurt, "Bakit ganun kabilis?" I'm still aghast and in disbelief of this piece of information. "Isn't he supposed to give a two-week notice before serving his last day in the office?"

"From what I know, hindi tinanggap ng boss niya yung resignation niya. But he still had to go on leave. I'm sure he explained everything in his letter."

"Thank you, Jerald."

"I hope your wife and son are well!" I added with a backward glance while already sprinting to try and find the nearest ladies' room.

"They are! Thank you!" Jerald managed to call out enthusiastically. Oh, fatherhood!

While still standing outside the ladies' room, I called Frank, the photographer who is my partner this morning. Sam is out sick today. I myself am beginning to feel some malaise. The back-to-back trips are beginning to take their toll on me too. After a few rings, Frank answered. "Hi Frank. I'm still in the Senate building. I'll follow to our next coverage."

I drove here from my house. And whenever that happens, the company driver and I go on a convoy. For now, Frank can go on ahead to our next assignment.

I entered the ladies' room to find the most comfortable cubicle. With a galloping heartbeat and slightly trembling hands, I opened RJ's letter.

Dear Maine,

I'm sorry for what happened last Sunday. I realize how nasty things must have looked to the girl whose heart I'm trying to win... finding some other woman in my room. I assure you, I'm not interested at all in Amy, not in any way that's romantic. She came on to me but I rebuffed her in the most gentlemanly way possible. You're right-I can be too dense sometimes. But at the same time, I don't want to hurt other people, especially not the feelings of someone who is nice to me. I guess I'm going to have to work on that.

And in this light, I would also like to apologize for saying that hurtful thing. You are a fascinating journalist, a captivating writer! But when I am mad, I tend to have a sharp tongue. During these times, I'm better off left alone so I can blow off steam. That morning, I was angry and hurt; I ended up just roaming Orchard Road and moping until lunch time. I was hoping I could still find you but when I went to your hotel, you have checked out.

I planned to see you Monday evening, but something happened in the morning. My boss summoned me to his office and interrogated me about the commonality of our articles. I didn't even realize that we chose the same topic in our investigative reports. I arrived in the Philippine past midnight so I had no idea what my boss was ranting about. That caught me off-guard, but I guess it worked well since he knew for sure that the similarity was pure coincidence. Did you get reprimanded in any way? I hope not, so I decided to keep distance for a few more days to let the issue (actually, the non-issue) die down.

Now, as you may have heard from the field, I have resigned. But please, don't feel bad. I have been thinking about this. I know about the hesitations both of us are having about being in a relationship while working in rival newspapers. Journalism is your dream and I think the best way to support you is by standing on the sidelines to cheer you on.

This work for me is more of a diversion. It's more of a side job that has served its purpose. My dream is to be a lawyer. And with this resignation, I can continue law school and give it my full attention and concentration.

That Monday before leaving the office, I spoke with my boss about resigning. I assured him it had nothing to do with our articles- that I really wanted to go back to being a full-time law student. He told me to give it another week and that if I still feel the same, he would accept my resignation.

Here comes the tricky part. Two days after that, I got a call from my mom in Wellington. My sister Angel went missing again! She had been out of sorts for days- catfights in school, indifference towards her teachers and school work. Mom and Dad found her, in a park, sulking about how moving to New Zealand ruined her life. They had a meeting with the guidance counselor who later referred them to a child psychologist. Angel is going through what they termed as Expat Child Syndrome and one of the best treatments for this is to have a strong support system. I feel bad since Angel hasn't even gotten over my two other siblings' move to the States. So now that they are in New Zealand, she feels that she lost me, our other relatives, and her best friends too.

I will be in Wellington for two months. I was allowed a Leave of Absence in the office on top of my accrued vacation leaves. Boss says we will discuss my employment status when I come back. I have made up my mind though.

So I guess I'll see you in January? I just hope that you haven't changed your mind about me... that you haven't changed your mind about us. If it's not too much to ask, please wait for me?

I love you.


I didn't realize I am now full-on sobbing. I folded his letter like it was the most precious thing in the world. I slid it back inside the envelope and slipped it in between the pages of my reporter's diary. Just like this notebook, I want to guard RJ's letter with my life.

After collecting myself, I dashed out from the cubicle to find the nearest ATM. Magkano na ba ang savings ko? Magkano kaya ang magagastos ko dun?

I have got to go to New Zealand! I need to see RJ. I have to, I have to!

A/N: Hi all! Thank you for still reading. I'm happy to say, no more conflicts from hereon. Promise yan! I'll answer comments tonight. Thank you, thank you! 😊

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