Chapter II: An Evil Presence

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1 Month Later...

It was an ordinary afternoon as Team RWBY browsed the daily news, Yang ate some potato chips as Ruby held a ghoul-like expression as she flipped through the channels. The remote clicking and the static following soon after became a rhythm that she hummed and tapped her foot too. The channels displayed many types of shows that Ruby paid almost no interest to.


Light Yagami: GOD OF THE NEW WO-


Roman: Try Neo's Neo today!


Narrator: 🎵Tinkie winkie. Dipsy, La la, p-


Ruby: Oh the news, there's always a few interesting stories flowing around.

Team RWBY crowded around their little red leader, seeing Lisa Lavender and a picture of a boy in front of a height indicator, wearing a black hoodie, smiling innocently. Though his face was kept in shadow, due to a faulty light that went off as his criminal record was being taken, making his face all the more ominous.

Lisa Lavender: In other words, police are very much NOT nonchalant at the sudden escape of the notorious arsonist, Y/N L/N. Otherwise known as Spade....

Ruby's eyes widened as she'd never heard of the Ace of Spades before. Though his name did sound silly. Weiss also had never heard of the boy before, Blake and Yang both also had never heard of him. But one thing was for sure he did look dangerous.

Lisa: Y/N L/N, aged 18 is known for a number of charges pressed against him, Treason against the Government, Armed Assault on Military Personnel and Terrorism. And even a few months ago, police were on the scene of a bomb going off at a local bar in the messier sides of Vale. 16 were reported dead with 34 wounded.

The TV switched off with Ruby grumbling and throwing the remote onto her makeshift bunk bed. She then laid down on her side.

Ruby: Boooored...

Yang: There's nothing interesting ever going on these days, it's just Grimm, Grimm and even more Grimm.

Blake: Hey Yang, things could be worse. Let's just agree that stopping the White Fang last year was if not one of our greatest triumphs. And plus, the peace and quiet is serene.

Ruby: Whatevs, I'll just go for a walk around the school. Maybe that will cheer me up, and maybe a talk with Jaune, Pyrrha or someone, maybe.

Weiss: Very well Ruby, but you better be back here at exactly 4:30.

Ruby: Gotcha Weiss!

Ruby cheerfully saluted, as she opened and closed the door. She began to skip and hum a tune which seemed all too familiar for some reason... But suddenly, she then accidentally bumped into another student. A member of Team ACLD.

Ruby: OH whoops! Heh sorry! Erm, you seem new here. Haven right?

The other student responded in a deep male voice.

???: Yeah, I'm new here. Guess I got lost. Here lemme help you up.

The student kindly lifted Ruby up, helping her to her feet. She looked at him and then tilted her head.

Ruby: You look familiar... Have we met?

Ruby asks curiously.


Me: No, but you can call me Ace Thire.

I smiled, shaking her hand. My fake name was working really well. Especially since that bitch Lavender broadcasted my name and my criminal record all over the goddamn kingdom. Jeez don't the police have better things to do, like hunting down ghetto scissor murderers and guys like that?

Ruby: Ruby Rose, welcome to Beacon Ace!

Y/N: Gladly, I'm surprised a young girl like you has been able to get into a school. As prestigious as this.

I motioned at the whole school with my arms, spinning a 360.

Ruby: Heh, okay then. See yah round!

Y/N: Goodbye Ruby!

I call in an overly friendly tone. As she turned the corner, my fake layer immediately was stripped off. I returned to my average expression.

Dorm Room.

I returned to my dorm in the Haven section with my team. Lilith 'Lilly' Heather, Caleb Facili (Fa-sil-le), and Diana Judith. All three are not my accomplices they do not know of my real identity. All they are, a bunch of angsty teens eager to get into the fight between the darkness and the light. Typical. Caleb a black haired boy who's weapon is a voodoo pin on ropes, Diana a redhead with a knack for adventure her weapon a set of claws which reacts to the type of Dust stored within it and finally Lilith, a pink/lilac-haired girl who has knee-length metallic boots that have protruding blades angled downwards in the soles.

Caleb: Hey Ace. What's going on?

Lilith: Hello.

Diana: What's up?

Diana slapped the back of my torso, considerably close to my ass. Meh what the heck am I complaining for? We have Grimm-studies class tomorrow anyways, I haven't the time to pick my targets yet but, tomorrow is when the real fun begins...

Ace of Spades: Evil Male Reader! Insert {Volume 1} UPHEAVALWhere stories live. Discover now