Chapter X: Corruption

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Ozpin: You have reason to believe that Mr. Arc is a possible candidate for being Spade?

Ozpin asked me, I nodded and pulled the 'honest to Oum student' act. Clearly he was believing me at the moment, he had too.

Me: Yes sir, I mean look at it. Jaune's team reported him as missing. And isn't it a coincidence that he disappeared the night before the message was broadcasted? I'm not trying to be an Accuser Aaron or something but I talked to him last night and he mentioned something that might've been associated with this mornings broadcast.

Ozpin nodded and sipped his coffee, placing it down on a mug-pad and crossing his hands. His sigh seemed convinced, but my palms began to sweat, thinking the worst.

Ozpin: I don't want to believe you Mr. Thire... But the evidence you possess on Mr. Arc being Spade is a reasonable estimation... I never would suspect a boy of that skill to be that cunning.

Me: Forgive me, for shattering any positive images you've thought of him. Heck I never would have expected him either, I'd seem like a more probable candidate. He was a nice friend...

Ozpin chuckled at my 'humour' but wiped his forehead of sweat when he dismissed me. He did not seem to have a trace of any suspicion within his brown eyes.

Ozpin: Thank you for your input Mr. Thire. It's much appreciated. I'll make sure to get personnel to stay on search for Mr. Arc.

Me: Thank you headmaster... I'm glad to be of help.

I bowed, before walking to the elevator at the far side of the room. I pressed for floor 5, where my dorm room was. Stereotypical elevator music was playing as I tapped my foot to the rhythmic session, walking to my dorm, I knocked on the door and grabbed the knob firmly swinging it open.

I saw Caleb looking through Diana's scroll... Thank Oum his pants were still on.

Me: What the fuck? Caleb!?

He looks at me and waves, before he realizes that he isn't alone in his little session.

Caleb: Hey Ace. GAH! ACE!? YOU WERN'T SUPPOSED TO BE BACK-IN TH-!??! *clears throat* Erm- Errr... Y-You kiss yo mama with that mouth!? He he

Me: Numero Uno; My mom is dead asshole, Numero Dos; And no! I happen to think incest is wrong... as much as what you're doing. When did this all start!?

Caleb: Errr, since three weeks ago... J-just don't tell Diana...

He pleads as I snatch the scroll from his hand. He  wilts down in defeat as I notice the pictures he was looking at, most were selfies of Diana, is front of Dustbucks, The Mall, making a peace sigh in front of a dust ammo shop. And another where she's making an admiringly and admittedly sexy pose in front of the bathroom mirror in 'revealing' red clothes, that match with her crimson hair.

Me: Jesus Christ man...

Caleb: Look Ace, I know it looks bad but. I-I like her okay... hormones make you do weird things!!!

Me: Blaming it on the hornones... Uhh huhh... Very convincing Caleb...

I say as I discard her scroll on her bed, including turning it off.

Caleb: Your not gonna tell her right??

He asks desperately.

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