Chapter V: The Pill (Filler)

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Walking around the courtyard for a little break at morning granted me a chance to meet a few people. Considering I still need time to gather resources and plan out, I might as well make some friends, expand my social circle and decrease the chance of me being accused of Cardin's... demise. It was a great afternoon, with many students walking around, I scanned the area, before seeing a black-haired girl sitting under the privilege of shade.

Me: Hello.

The girl stops reading to look up at me, waving mildly. Then returns to her book ad I walk over there and lean against the tree she was sitting on.

Me: My name's Ace, whatcha reading there?

I ask. She slips in a bookmark on the specific page she was reading on and shows me the title.

Blake: It's called 'A Tale of Two Cities' By Charles Dickens

Me: That's one of my favourite stories. A story of revolution, secrets, betrayal...

She stared at me surprisingly, her amber eyes widened and she got up.

Blake: Wow, someone who appreciates literature like I do. But it's not just about that, it's also about revenge, taking down corrupt kings and even tragedy.

Me: That's a good book, you have good tastes.

She rubbed the back of her head before holding out her hand.

Blake: My name's Blake, Blake Belladonna.

I shook her hand gently. She closed up the book and waved goodbye before walking off.

Me: Nice girl, very nice.

I state to myself. Before I felt a firm hand slap on my shoulder, causing me to jump.

Lilith: Ha, hey Ace! Nice seeing you getting along with the Ladies of Beacon.

Lilith boasts to me, before motioning for me to come with her.

Lilith: Come on, the rest of us are back at our dorm. They sent me to get you.

Me: Oh, sorry about that Lilith.

Lilith: That's okay Ace.


Jaune's POV

I paced the hallways close to CRDL's dorm, which was foolishly left unlocked. Cardin normally has a glass of water beside his bed. And I'm here, ready with the pill...

Should I do it?... Sure Cardin's an asshole. But. He's right, if I'm ever gonna make my family proud of me, or even Weiss. No, I can kill the monsters, but Cardin's no monster. Damn it Jaune MAN UP! Cardin's holding you back! He and his rotten goons are getting in my way of honouring my family name! If you don't get rid of the head of the snake, you'll forever be tormented by it.

But! BUT NO! You don't wanna be the pussy! You wanna be the huntsman! NO! You WILL be the huntsman!

Jaune: Alrght than... Time for a visit... Cardin.

I say, pocketing the pill Ace gave to me. Time for Jaune Arc to strike back!


That night the intercom beeped on throughout the school, a message from Ozpin whom is the academy's headmaster. Regarding ole' Jauney-boy and the Cyanide pill. Me and my team were in my dorm room and doing our usual things. Until the message broadcasted to our rooms.

Ozpin: Students, I am regretted to inform of you that... Team CRDL's leader Cardin Winchester has been killed overdose of a certain chemical is to blame.

Me: By the gods...

Diana: Geez, when did the diabetes get to him?

Lilith: Diana that's not funny. He may have been a jerk to Faunus and that blonde guy back at class but that doesn't mean he should die.

Caleb: I just ate a spider by mistake...

The girls both gave Caleb weird looks, he smacked his lips and gave them a thumbs up. Signifying that he indeed liked the taste.

Me: Have fun barfing your guts out, when it's poison gets to your stomach. Heard it doesn't taste that good.

I said, at that moment Caleb lost his smile then turned green. And I mean LITERALLY green. Dashing to the garbage bin like a maniac and throwing it all out, whether it was spider parts or not. Diana was doubling over at this and howled with laughter, her messy red hair waving around while she did too, Lilith only giggled, with her hand to her mouth.

Me: Muy impressimente Upchuck Chuck.

Caleb: Shut up, it wasn't my fault it crawled onto my pretzel.

Ozpin: We suspect it to be an intentional murder, committed by a narcissistic, dangerous and radical student. Intent on ruining Beacon Academy as we know it. There will be no curfews as of now but it is suggested that students stay in their rooms after dark.

I checked my watch. 7:40 PM not bad for an evening walk. Lilith was shocked along with Diana who just stared at the speaker with awe and fear.

Diana: Well, that's something. This first day is full of surprises.

Me: A murder here? In one of the most prestigious academies of Vale? In Remnant? How odd...

Caleb: Yo, that's sketchy man!

Lilith: Indeed Ace this is an ef'ed up situation.

Me: Clearly this guy is probably some random asshole. They're probably fucking themselves like the bitches they are.

Diana nodded in agreement as I say, silently laughing in my mind. Beacon, one of the jewels of Vale. Now falling into the palm of my cold hand. I guess it's time to announce myself. Anonymously, of course it's stupid to tell them who exactly I am and what my intentions are.

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